Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /home/lakoyani/lakoyani.com.fj/crawler.tar
settings-general.tpl.php 0000644 00000011707 14711306477 0011346 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace LiteSpeed; defined('WPINC') || exit; $this->form_action(); ?> <h3 class="litespeed-title-short"> <?php echo __('Crawler General Settings', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> <?php Doc::learn_more('https://docs.litespeedtech.com/lscache/lscwp/crawler/#general-settings-tab'); ?> </h3> <table class="wp-list-table striped litespeed-table"> <tbody> <tr> <th> <?php $id = Base::O_CRAWLER; ?> <?php $this->title($id); ?> </th> <td> <?php $this->build_switch($id); ?> <div class="litespeed-desc"> <?php echo __('This will enable crawler cron.', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> <br /><?php Doc::notice_htaccess(); ?> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th> <?php $id = Base::O_CRAWLER_USLEEP; ?> <?php $this->title($id); ?> </th> <td> <?php $this->build_input($id); ?> <?php echo __('microseconds', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> <div class="litespeed-desc"> <?php echo __('Specify time in microseconds for the delay between requests during a crawl.', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> <?php if (!empty($_SERVER[Base::ENV_CRAWLER_USLEEP])) : ?> <font class="litespeed-warning"> <?php echo __('NOTE', 'litespeed-cache'); ?>: <?php echo __('Server allowed min value', 'litespeed-cache'); ?>: <code><?php echo $_SERVER[Base::ENV_CRAWLER_USLEEP]; ?></code> </font> <?php else : ?> <?php $this->recommended($id); ?> <?php endif; ?> <?php $this->_validate_ttl($id, false, 30000); ?> <br /> <?php $this->_api_env_var(Base::ENV_CRAWLER_USLEEP); ?> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th> <?php $id = Base::O_CRAWLER_RUN_DURATION; ?> <?php $this->title($id); ?> </th> <td> <?php $this->build_input($id); ?> <?php echo __('seconds', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> <div class="litespeed-desc"> <?php echo __('Specify time in seconds for the duration of the crawl interval.', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> <?php $this->recommended($id); ?> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th> <?php $id = Base::O_CRAWLER_RUN_INTERVAL; ?> <?php $this->title($id); ?> </th> <td> <?php $this->build_input($id); ?> <?php echo __('seconds', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> <div class="litespeed-desc"> <?php echo __('Specify time in seconds for the time between each run interval.', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> <?php $this->recommended($id); ?> <?php $this->_validate_ttl($id, 60); ?> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th> <?php $id = Base::O_CRAWLER_CRAWL_INTERVAL; ?> <?php $this->title($id); ?> </th> <td> <?php $this->build_input($id); ?> <?php echo __('seconds', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> <div class="litespeed-desc"> <?php echo __('Specify how long in seconds before the crawler should initiate crawling the entire sitemap again.', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> <?php $this->recommended($id); ?> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th> <?php $id = Base::O_CRAWLER_THREADS; ?> <?php $this->title($id); ?> </th> <td> <?php $this->build_input($id, 'litespeed-input-short'); ?> <div class="litespeed-desc"> <?php echo __('Specify Number of Threads to use while crawling.', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> <?php $this->recommended($id); ?> <?php $this->_validate_ttl($id, 1, 16); ?> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th> <?php $id = Base::O_CRAWLER_TIMEOUT; ?> <?php $this->title($id); ?> </th> <td> <?php $this->build_input($id, 'litespeed-input-short'); ?> <div class="litespeed-desc"> <?php echo __('Specify the timeout while crawling each URL.', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> <?php $this->recommended($id); ?> <?php $this->_validate_ttl($id, 10, 300); ?> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th> <?php $id = Base::O_CRAWLER_LOAD_LIMIT; ?> <?php $this->title($id); ?> </th> <td> <?php $this->build_input($id); ?> <div class="litespeed-desc"> <?php echo __('The maximum average server load allowed while crawling. The number of crawler threads in use will be actively reduced until average server load falls under this limit. If this cannot be achieved with a single thread, the current crawler run will be terminated.', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> <?php if (!empty($_SERVER[Base::ENV_CRAWLER_LOAD_LIMIT_ENFORCE])) : ?> <font class="litespeed-warning"> <?php echo __('NOTE', 'litespeed-cache'); ?>: <?php echo __('Server enforced value', 'litespeed-cache'); ?>: <code><?php echo $_SERVER[Base::ENV_CRAWLER_LOAD_LIMIT_ENFORCE]; ?></code> </font> <?php elseif (!empty($_SERVER[Base::ENV_CRAWLER_LOAD_LIMIT])) : ?> <font class="litespeed-warning"> <?php echo __('NOTE', 'litespeed-cache'); ?>: <?php echo __('Server allowed max value', 'litespeed-cache'); ?>: <code><?php echo $_SERVER[Base::ENV_CRAWLER_LOAD_LIMIT]; ?></code> </font> <?php endif; ?> <br /> <?php $this->_api_env_var(Base::ENV_CRAWLER_LOAD_LIMIT, Base::ENV_CRAWLER_LOAD_LIMIT_ENFORCE); ?> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <?php $this->form_end(); settings-sitemap.tpl.php 0000644 00000003404 14711306500 0011351 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace LiteSpeed; defined( 'WPINC' ) || exit; $this->form_action(); ?> <h3 class="litespeed-title-short"> <?php echo __('Crawler Sitemap Settings', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> <?php Doc::learn_more( 'https://docs.litespeedtech.com/lscache/lscwp/crawler/#sitemap-settings-tab' ); ?> </h3> <table class="wp-list-table striped litespeed-table"><tbody> <tr> <th> <?php $id = Base::O_CRAWLER_SITEMAP; ?> <?php $this->title($id); ?> </th> <td> <?php $this->build_textarea($id); ?> <div class="litespeed-desc"> <?php echo __('The crawler will use your XML sitemap or sitemap index. Enter the full URL to your sitemap here.', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> <?php Doc::one_per_line(); ?> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th> <?php $id = Base::O_CRAWLER_DROP_DOMAIN; ?> <?php $this->title( $id ); ?> </th> <td> <?php $this->build_switch( $id ); ?> <div class="litespeed-desc"> <?php echo __( 'The crawler will parse the sitemap and save into the database before crawling. When parsing the sitemap, dropping the domain can save DB storage.', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?> <?php echo __( 'If you are using multiple domains for one site, and have multiple domains in the sitemap, please keep this option OFF so the crawler knows to crawl every domain.', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th> <?php $id = Base::O_CRAWLER_MAP_TIMEOUT; ?> <?php $this->title( $id ); ?> </th> <td> <?php $this->build_input( $id, 'litespeed-input-short' ); ?> <div class="litespeed-desc"> <?php echo __( 'Specify the timeout while parsing the sitemap.', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?> <?php $this->recommended( $id ); ?> <?php $this->_validate_ttl( $id, 15, 1800 ); ?> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> <?php $this->form_end(); settings-simulation.tpl.php 0000644 00000003457 14711306500 0012103 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace LiteSpeed; defined( 'WPINC' ) || exit; $this->form_action(); ?> <h3 class="litespeed-title-short"> <?php echo __('Crawler Simulation Settings', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> <?php Doc::learn_more( 'https://docs.litespeedtech.com/lscache/lscwp/crawler/#simulation-settings-tab' ); ?> </h3> <table class="wp-list-table striped litespeed-table"><tbody> <tr> <th> <?php $id = Base::O_CRAWLER_ROLES; ?> <?php $this->title( $id ); ?> </th> <td> <?php $this->build_textarea( $id, 20 ); ?> <div class="litespeed-desc"> <?php echo __('To crawl the site as a logged-in user, enter the user ids to be simulated.', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> <?php Doc::one_per_line(); ?> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th> <?php $id = Base::O_CRAWLER_COOKIES; ?> <?php $this->title( $id ); ?> </th> <td> <?php $this->enroll( $id . '[name][]' ); ?> <?php $this->enroll( $id . '[vals][]' ); ?> <div id="litespeed_crawler_simulation_div"></div> <script type="text/babel"> ReactDOM.render( <CrawlerSimulate list={ <?php echo json_encode( $this->conf( $id ) ); ?> } />, document.getElementById( 'litespeed_crawler_simulation_div' ) ); </script> <div class="litespeed-desc"> <?php echo __('To crawl for a particular cookie, enter the cookie name, and the values you wish to crawl for. Values should be one per line. There will be one crawler created per cookie value, per simulated role.', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> <?php Doc::learn_more( 'https://docs.litespeedtech.com/lscache/lscwp/crawler/#cookie-simulation' ); ?> <p><?php echo sprintf( __( 'Use %1$s in %2$s to indicate this cookie has not been set.', 'litespeed-cache' ), '<code>_null</code>', __( 'Cookie Values', 'litespeed-cache' ) ); ?></p> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> <?php $this->form_end(); blacklist.tpl.php 0000644 00000005044 14711306501 0010024 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace LiteSpeed; defined( 'WPINC' ) || exit; $crawler_summary = Crawler::get_summary(); $__map = Crawler_Map::cls(); $list = $__map->list_blacklist( 30 ); $count = $__map->count_blacklist(); $pagination = Utility::pagination( $count, 30 ); ?> <p class="litespeed-right"> <a href="<?php echo Utility::build_url( Router::ACTION_CRAWLER, Crawler::TYPE_BLACKLIST_EMPTY ); ?>" class="button litespeed-btn-warning" data-litespeed-cfm="<?php echo __( 'Are you sure to delete all existing blocklist items?', 'litespeed-cache' ) ; ?>" > <?php echo __( 'Empty blocklist', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?> </a> </p> <h3 class="litespeed-title"> <?php echo __( 'Blocklist', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?> <?php Doc::learn_more( 'https://docs.litespeedtech.com/lscache/lscwp/crawler/#blacklist-tab' ); ?> </h3> <?php echo __( 'Total', 'litespeed-cache' ) . ': ' . $count; ?> <?php echo $pagination; ?> <table class="wp-list-table widefat striped"> <thead><tr > <th scope="col">#</th> <th scope="col"><?php echo __( 'URL', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?></th> <th scope="col"><?php echo __( 'Status', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?></th> <th scope="col"><?php echo __( 'Operation', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?></th> </tr></thead> <tbody> <?php foreach ( $list as $i => $v ) : ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $i + 1; ?></td> <td> <?php echo $v[ 'url' ]; ?> </td> <td> <?php echo Crawler::cls()->display_status( $v[ 'res' ], $v[ 'reason' ] ); ?> </td> <td> <a href="<?php echo Utility::build_url( Router::ACTION_CRAWLER, Crawler::TYPE_BLACKLIST_DEL, false, null, array( 'id' => $v[ 'id' ] ) ); ?>" class="button button-secondary"><?php echo __( 'Remove from Blocklist', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?></a> </td> </tr> <?php endforeach; ?> </tbody> </table> <?php echo $pagination; ?> <p> <font class="litespeed-success">API: <?php echo sprintf( __( 'PHP Constant %s available to disable blocklist.', 'litespeed-cache' ), "<code>LITESPEED_CRAWLER_DISABLE_BLOCKLIST</code>" ); ?></font> </p> <p> <font class="litespeed-success">API: <?php echo sprintf( __( 'Filter %s available to disable blocklist.', 'litespeed-cache' ), "<code>add_filter( 'litespeed_crawler_disable_blocklist', '__return_true' );</code>" ); ?></font> </p> <p> <i class="litespeed-dot litespeed-bg-default"></i> = <?php echo __( 'Not blocklisted', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?><br> <i class="litespeed-dot litespeed-bg-warning"></i> = <?php echo __( 'Blocklisted due to not cacheable', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?><br> <i class="litespeed-dot litespeed-bg-danger"></i> = <?php echo __( 'Blocklisted', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?><br> </p> entry.tpl.php 0000644 00000002514 14711306501 0007214 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace LiteSpeed ; defined( 'WPINC' ) || exit ; $menu_list = array( 'summary' => __( 'Summary', 'litespeed-cache' ), 'map' => __( 'Map', 'litespeed-cache' ), 'blacklist' => __( 'Blocklist', 'litespeed-cache' ), 'settings-general' => __( 'General Settings', 'litespeed-cache' ), 'settings-simulation' => __( 'Simulation Settings', 'litespeed-cache' ), 'settings-sitemap' => __( 'Sitemap Settings', 'litespeed-cache' ), ) ; ?> <div class="wrap"> <h1 class="litespeed-h1"> <?php echo __( 'LiteSpeed Cache Crawler', 'litespeed-cache' ) ; ?> </h1> <span class="litespeed-desc"> v<?php echo Core::VER ; ?> </span> <hr class="wp-header-end"> </div> <div class="litespeed-wrap"> <h2 class="litespeed-header nav-tab-wrapper"> <?php $i = 1 ; foreach ($menu_list as $tab => $val){ $accesskey = $i <= 9 ? "litespeed-accesskey='$i'" : '' ; echo "<a class='litespeed-tab nav-tab' href='#$tab' data-litespeed-tab='$tab' $accesskey>$val</a>" ; $i ++ ; } ?> </h2> <div class="litespeed-body"> <?php // include all tpl for faster UE foreach ($menu_list as $tab => $val) { echo "<div data-litespeed-layout='$tab'>" ; require LSCWP_DIR . "tpl/crawler/$tab.tpl.php" ; echo "</div>" ; } ?> </div> </div> <iframe name="litespeedHiddenIframe" src="" width="0" height="0" frameborder="0"></iframe> map.tpl.php 0000644 00000004752 14711306502 0006637 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace LiteSpeed; defined( 'WPINC' ) || exit; $crawler_summary = Crawler::get_summary(); $__map = Crawler_Map::cls(); $list = $__map->list_map( 30 ); $count = $__map->count_map(); $pagination = Utility::pagination( $count, 30 ); ?> <p class="litespeed-right"> <a href="<?php echo Utility::build_url( Router::ACTION_CRAWLER, Crawler::TYPE_EMPTY ); ?>" class="button litespeed-btn-warning"> <?php echo __( 'Clean Crawler Map', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?> </a> <a href="<?php echo Utility::build_url( Router::ACTION_CRAWLER, Crawler::TYPE_REFRESH_MAP ); ?>" class="button button-secondary"> <?php echo __( 'Refresh Crawler Map', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?> </a> </p> <p> <?php if ( ! empty( $crawler_summary[ 'sitemap_time' ] ) ) { echo sprintf( __( 'Generated at %s', 'litespeed-cache' ), Utility::readable_time( $crawler_summary[ 'sitemap_time' ] ) ); } ?> </p> <h3 class="litespeed-title"> <?php echo __( 'Sitemap List', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?> <?php Doc::learn_more( 'https://docs.litespeedtech.com/lscache/lscwp/crawler/#map-tab' ); ?> </h3> <?php echo __( 'Sitemap Total', 'litespeed-cache' ) . ': ' . $count; ?> <?php echo $pagination; ?> <table class="wp-list-table widefat striped"> <thead><tr > <th scope="col">#</th> <th scope="col"><?php echo __( 'URL', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?></th> <th scope="col"><?php echo __( 'Crawler Status', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?></th> <th scope="col"><?php echo __( 'Operation', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?></th> </tr></thead> <tbody> <?php foreach ( $list as $i => $v ) : ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $i + 1; ?></td> <td> <?php echo $v[ 'url' ]; ?> </td> <td> <?php echo Crawler::cls()->display_status( $v[ 'res' ], $v[ 'reason' ] ); ?> </td> <td> <a href="<?php echo Utility::build_url( Router::ACTION_CRAWLER, Crawler::TYPE_BLACKLIST_ADD, false, null, array( 'id' => $v[ 'id' ] ) ); ?>" class="button button-secondary"><?php echo __( 'Add to Blocklist', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?></a> </td> </tr> <?php endforeach; ?> </tbody> </table> <?php echo $pagination; ?> <p> <i class="litespeed-dot litespeed-bg-success"></i> = <?php echo __( 'Cache Hit', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?><br> <i class="litespeed-dot litespeed-bg-primary"></i> = <?php echo __( 'Cache Miss', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?><br> <i class="litespeed-dot litespeed-bg-warning"></i> = <?php echo __( 'Blocklisted due to not cacheable', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?><br> <i class="litespeed-dot litespeed-bg-danger"></i> = <?php echo __( 'Blocklisted', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?><br> </p> summary.tpl.php 0000644 00000022276 14711306502 0007560 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace LiteSpeed; defined('WPINC') || exit; $__crawler = Crawler::cls(); $crawler_list = $__crawler->list_crawlers(); $summary = Crawler::get_summary(); if ($summary['curr_crawler'] >= count($crawler_list)) { $summary['curr_crawler'] = 0; } $is_running = time() - $summary['is_running'] <= $this->conf(Base::O_CRAWLER_RUN_DURATION); $disabled = Router::can_crawl() ? '' : 'disabled'; $seconds = $this->conf(Base::O_CRAWLER_RUN_INTERVAL); if ($seconds > 0) : $recurrence = ''; $hours = (int)floor($seconds / 3600); if ($hours) { if ($hours > 1) { $recurrence .= sprintf(__('%d hours', 'litespeed-cache'), $hours); } else { $recurrence .= sprintf(__('%d hour', 'litespeed-cache'), $hours); } } $minutes = (int)floor(($seconds % 3600) / 60); if ($minutes) { $recurrence .= ' '; if ($minutes > 1) { $recurrence .= sprintf(__('%d minutes', 'litespeed-cache'), $minutes); } else { $recurrence .= sprintf(__('%d minute', 'litespeed-cache'), $minutes); } } ?> <h3 class="litespeed-title litespeed-relative"> <?php echo __('Crawler Cron', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> <?php Doc::learn_more('https://docs.litespeedtech.com/lscache/lscwp/crawler/'); ?> </h3> <?php if (!Router::can_crawl()) : ?> <div class="litespeed-callout notice notice-error inline"> <h4><?php echo __('WARNING', 'litespeed-cache'); ?></h4> <p><?php echo __('The crawler feature is not enabled on the LiteSpeed server. Please consult your server admin or hosting provider.', 'litespeed-cache'); ?></p> <p><?php echo sprintf(__('See <a %s>Introduction for Enabling the Crawler</a> for detailed information.', 'litespeed-cache'), 'href="https://docs.litespeedtech.com/lscache/lscwp/admin/#enabling-and-limiting-the-crawler" target="_blank"'); ?></p> </div> <?php endif; ?> <?php if ($summary['this_full_beginning_time']) : ?> <p> <b><?php echo __('Current sitemap crawl started at', 'litespeed-cache'); ?>:</b> <?php echo Utility::readable_time($summary['this_full_beginning_time']); ?> </p> <?php if (!$is_running) : ?> <p> <b><?php echo __('The next complete sitemap crawl will start at', 'litespeed-cache'); ?>:</b> <?php echo date('m/d/Y H:i:s', $summary['this_full_beginning_time'] + LITESPEED_TIME_OFFSET + $summary['last_full_time_cost'] + $this->conf(Base::O_CRAWLER_CRAWL_INTERVAL)); ?> <?php endif; ?> </p> <?php endif; ?> <?php if ($summary['last_full_time_cost']) : ?> <p> <b><?php echo __('Last complete run time for all crawlers', 'litespeed-cache'); ?>:</b> <?php echo sprintf(__('%d seconds', 'litespeed-cache'), $summary['last_full_time_cost']); ?> </p> <?php endif; ?> <?php if ($summary['last_crawler_total_cost']) : ?> <p> <b><?php echo __('Run time for previous crawler', 'litespeed-cache'); ?>:</b> <?php echo sprintf(__('%d seconds', 'litespeed-cache'), $summary['last_crawler_total_cost']); ?> </p> <?php endif; ?> <?php if ($summary['curr_crawler_beginning_time']) : ?> <p> <b><?php echo __('Current crawler started at', 'litespeed-cache'); ?>:</b> <?php echo Utility::readable_time($summary['curr_crawler_beginning_time']); ?> </p> <?php endif; ?> <p> <b><?php echo __('Current server load', 'litespeed-cache'); ?>:</b> <?php echo $__crawler->get_server_load(); ?> </p> <?php if ($summary['last_start_time']) : ?> <p class='litespeed-desc'> <b><?php echo __('Last interval', 'litespeed-cache'); ?>:</b> <?php echo Utility::readable_time($summary['last_start_time']); ?> </p> <?php endif; ?> <?php if ($summary['end_reason']) : ?> <p class='litespeed-desc'> <b><?php echo __('Ended reason', 'litespeed-cache'); ?>:</b> <?php echo esc_html($summary['end_reason']); ?> </p> <?php endif; ?> <?php if ($summary['last_crawled']) : ?> <p class='litespeed-desc'> <?php echo sprintf(__('<b>Last crawled:</b> %s item(s)', 'litespeed-cache'), $summary['last_crawled']); ?> </p> <?php endif; ?> <p> <?php echo " <a href='" . Utility::build_url(Router::ACTION_CRAWLER, Crawler::TYPE_RESET) . "' class='button litespeed-btn-warning'>" . __('Reset position', 'litespeed-cache') . "</a>"; $href = Router::can_crawl() ? Utility::build_url(Router::ACTION_CRAWLER, Crawler::TYPE_START) : 'javascript:;'; echo " <a href='$href' id='litespeed_manual_trigger' class='button litespeed-btn-success' litespeed-accesskey='R' $disabled>" . __('Manually run', 'litespeed-cache') . "</a>"; ?> </p> <table class="wp-list-table widefat striped" data-crawler-list> <thead> <tr> <th scope="col">#</th> <th scope="col"><?php echo __('Cron Name', 'litespeed-cache'); ?></th> <th scope="col"><?php echo __('Run Frequency', 'litespeed-cache'); ?></th> <th scope="col"><?php echo __('Status', 'litespeed-cache'); ?></th> <th scope="col"><?php echo __('Activate', 'litespeed-cache'); ?></th> <th scope="col"><?php echo __('Running', 'litespeed-cache'); ?></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php foreach ($crawler_list as $i => $v) : $hit = !empty($summary['crawler_stats'][$i]['H']) ? $summary['crawler_stats'][$i]['H'] : 0; $miss = !empty($summary['crawler_stats'][$i]['M']) ? $summary['crawler_stats'][$i]['M'] : 0; $blacklisted = !empty($summary['crawler_stats'][$i]['B']) ? $summary['crawler_stats'][$i]['B'] : 0; $blacklisted += !empty($summary['crawler_stats'][$i]['N']) ? $summary['crawler_stats'][$i]['N'] : 0; if (isset($summary['crawler_stats'][$i]['W'])) { $waiting = $summary['crawler_stats'][$i]['W'] ?: 0; } else { $waiting = $summary['list_size'] - $hit - $miss - $blacklisted; } ?> <tr> <td> <?php echo $i + 1; if ($i == $summary['curr_crawler']) { echo "<img class='litespeed-crawler-curr' src='" . LSWCP_PLUGIN_URL . "assets/img/Litespeed.icon.svg' />"; } ?> </td> <td> <?php echo $v['title']; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $recurrence; ?></td> <td> <?php echo '<i class="litespeed-badge litespeed-bg-default" data-balloon-pos="up" aria-label="' . __('Waiting', 'litespeed-cache') . '">' . ($waiting ?: '-') . '</i> '; ?> <?php echo '<i class="litespeed-badge litespeed-bg-success" data-balloon-pos="up" aria-label="' . __('Hit', 'litespeed-cache') . '">' . ($hit ?: '-') . '</i> '; ?> <?php echo '<i class="litespeed-badge litespeed-bg-primary" data-balloon-pos="up" aria-label="' . __('Miss', 'litespeed-cache') . '">' . ($miss ?: '-') . '</i> '; ?> <?php echo '<i class="litespeed-badge litespeed-bg-danger" data-balloon-pos="up" aria-label="' . __('Blocklisted', 'litespeed-cache') . '">' . ($blacklisted ?: '-') . '</i> '; ?> </td> <td> <?php $this->build_toggle('litespeed-crawler-' . $i, $__crawler->is_active($i)); ?> </td> <td> <?php if ($i == $summary['curr_crawler']) { echo "Position: " . ($summary['last_pos'] + 1); if ($is_running) { echo " <span class='litespeed-label-success'>" . __('running', 'litespeed-cache') . "</span>"; } } ?> </td> </tr> <?php endforeach; ?> </tbody> </table> <p> <i class="litespeed-badge litespeed-bg-default"></i> = <?php echo __('Waiting to be Crawled', 'litespeed-cache'); ?><br> <i class="litespeed-badge litespeed-bg-success"></i> = <?php echo __('Already Cached', 'litespeed-cache'); ?><br> <i class="litespeed-badge litespeed-bg-primary"></i> = <?php echo __('Successfully Crawled', 'litespeed-cache'); ?><br> <i class="litespeed-badge litespeed-bg-danger"></i> = <?php echo __('Blocklisted', 'litespeed-cache'); ?><br> </p> <div class="litespeed-desc"> <div><?php echo __('Run frequency is set by the Interval Between Runs setting.', 'litespeed-cache'); ?></div> <div><?php echo __('Crawlers cannot run concurrently.', 'litespeed-cache') . __(' If both the cron and a manual run start at similar times, the first to be started will take precedence.', 'litespeed-cache'); ?></div> <div><?php echo sprintf(__('Please see <a %s>Hooking WP-Cron Into the System Task Scheduler</a> to learn how to create the system cron task.', 'litespeed-cache'), ' href="https://developer.wordpress.org/plugins/cron/hooking-wp-cron-into-the-system-task-scheduler/" target="_blank" '); ?></div> </div> <?php endif; ?> <h3 class="litespeed-title"><?php echo __('Watch Crawler Status', 'litespeed-cache'); ?></h3> <?php $ajaxUrl = $__crawler->json_path(); if ($ajaxUrl) : ?> <input type="button" id="litespeed-crawl-url-btn" value="<?php echo __('Show crawler status', 'litespeed-cache'); ?>" class="button button-secondary" data-url="<?php echo $ajaxUrl; ?>" /> <div class="litespeed-shell litespeed-hide"> <div class="litespeed-shell-header-bar"></div> <div class="litespeed-shell-header"> <div class="litespeed-shell-header-bg"></div> <div class="litespeed-shell-header-icon-container"> <img id="litespeed-shell-icon" src="<?php echo LSWCP_PLUGIN_URL . 'assets/img/Litespeed.icon.svg'; ?>" /> </div> </div> <ul class="litespeed-shell-body"> <li>Start watching...</li> <li id="litespeed-loading-dot"></li> </ul> </div> <?php else : ?> <p> <?php echo __('No crawler meta file generated yet', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> </p> <?php endif; ?>