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CreditReversal.php 0000777 00000004551 14711035332 0010206 0 ustar 00 <?php // File generated from our OpenAPI spec namespace Stripe\Treasury; /** * You can reverse some <a href="https://stripe.com/docs/api#received_credits">ReceivedCredits</a> depending on their network and source flow. Reversing a ReceivedCredit leads to the creation of a new object known as a CreditReversal. * * @property string $id Unique identifier for the object. * @property string $object String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value. * @property int $amount Amount (in cents) transferred. * @property int $created Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. * @property string $currency Three-letter <a href="https://www.iso.org/iso-4217-currency-codes.html">ISO currency code</a>, in lowercase. Must be a <a href="https://stripe.com/docs/currencies">supported currency</a>. * @property string $financial_account The FinancialAccount to reverse funds from. * @property null|string $hosted_regulatory_receipt_url A <a href="https://stripe.com/docs/treasury/moving-money/regulatory-receipts">hosted transaction receipt</a> URL that is provided when money movement is considered regulated under Stripe's money transmission licenses. * @property bool $livemode Has the value <code>true</code> if the object exists in live mode or the value <code>false</code> if the object exists in test mode. * @property \Stripe\StripeObject $metadata Set of <a href="https://stripe.com/docs/api/metadata">key-value pairs</a> that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. * @property string $network The rails used to reverse the funds. * @property string $received_credit The ReceivedCredit being reversed. * @property string $status Status of the CreditReversal * @property \Stripe\StripeObject $status_transitions * @property null|string|\Stripe\Treasury\Transaction $transaction The Transaction associated with this object. */ class CreditReversal extends \Stripe\ApiResource { const OBJECT_NAME = 'treasury.credit_reversal'; use \Stripe\ApiOperations\All; use \Stripe\ApiOperations\Create; use \Stripe\ApiOperations\Retrieve; const NETWORK_ACH = 'ach'; const NETWORK_STRIPE = 'stripe'; const STATUS_CANCELED = 'canceled'; const STATUS_POSTED = 'posted'; const STATUS_PROCESSING = 'processing'; } TransactionEntry.php 0000777 00000007053 14711035332 0010577 0 ustar 00 <?php // File generated from our OpenAPI spec namespace Stripe\Treasury; /** * TransactionEntries represent individual units of money movements within a single <a href="https://stripe.com/docs/api#transactions">Transaction</a>. * * @property string $id Unique identifier for the object. * @property string $object String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value. * @property \Stripe\StripeObject $balance_impact Change to a FinancialAccount's balance * @property int $created Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. * @property string $currency Three-letter <a href="https://www.iso.org/iso-4217-currency-codes.html">ISO currency code</a>, in lowercase. Must be a <a href="https://stripe.com/docs/currencies">supported currency</a>. * @property int $effective_at When the TransactionEntry will impact the FinancialAccount's balance. * @property string $financial_account The FinancialAccount associated with this object. * @property null|string $flow Token of the flow associated with the TransactionEntry. * @property null|\Stripe\StripeObject $flow_details Details of the flow associated with the TransactionEntry. * @property string $flow_type Type of the flow associated with the TransactionEntry. * @property bool $livemode Has the value <code>true</code> if the object exists in live mode or the value <code>false</code> if the object exists in test mode. * @property string|\Stripe\Treasury\Transaction $transaction The Transaction associated with this object. * @property string $type The specific money movement that generated the TransactionEntry. */ class TransactionEntry extends \Stripe\ApiResource { const OBJECT_NAME = 'treasury.transaction_entry'; use \Stripe\ApiOperations\All; use \Stripe\ApiOperations\Retrieve; const FLOW_TYPE_CREDIT_REVERSAL = 'credit_reversal'; const FLOW_TYPE_DEBIT_REVERSAL = 'debit_reversal'; const FLOW_TYPE_INBOUND_TRANSFER = 'inbound_transfer'; const FLOW_TYPE_ISSUING_AUTHORIZATION = 'issuing_authorization'; const FLOW_TYPE_OTHER = 'other'; const FLOW_TYPE_OUTBOUND_PAYMENT = 'outbound_payment'; const FLOW_TYPE_OUTBOUND_TRANSFER = 'outbound_transfer'; const FLOW_TYPE_RECEIVED_CREDIT = 'received_credit'; const FLOW_TYPE_RECEIVED_DEBIT = 'received_debit'; const TYPE_CREDIT_REVERSAL = 'credit_reversal'; const TYPE_CREDIT_REVERSAL_POSTING = 'credit_reversal_posting'; const TYPE_DEBIT_REVERSAL = 'debit_reversal'; const TYPE_INBOUND_TRANSFER = 'inbound_transfer'; const TYPE_INBOUND_TRANSFER_RETURN = 'inbound_transfer_return'; const TYPE_ISSUING_AUTHORIZATION_HOLD = 'issuing_authorization_hold'; const TYPE_ISSUING_AUTHORIZATION_RELEASE = 'issuing_authorization_release'; const TYPE_OTHER = 'other'; const TYPE_OUTBOUND_PAYMENT = 'outbound_payment'; const TYPE_OUTBOUND_PAYMENT_CANCELLATION = 'outbound_payment_cancellation'; const TYPE_OUTBOUND_PAYMENT_FAILURE = 'outbound_payment_failure'; const TYPE_OUTBOUND_PAYMENT_POSTING = 'outbound_payment_posting'; const TYPE_OUTBOUND_PAYMENT_RETURN = 'outbound_payment_return'; const TYPE_OUTBOUND_TRANSFER = 'outbound_transfer'; const TYPE_OUTBOUND_TRANSFER_CANCELLATION = 'outbound_transfer_cancellation'; const TYPE_OUTBOUND_TRANSFER_FAILURE = 'outbound_transfer_failure'; const TYPE_OUTBOUND_TRANSFER_POSTING = 'outbound_transfer_posting'; const TYPE_OUTBOUND_TRANSFER_RETURN = 'outbound_transfer_return'; const TYPE_RECEIVED_CREDIT = 'received_credit'; const TYPE_RECEIVED_DEBIT = 'received_debit'; } DebitReversal.php 0000777 00000004677 14711035332 0010034 0 ustar 00 <?php // File generated from our OpenAPI spec namespace Stripe\Treasury; /** * You can reverse some <a href="https://stripe.com/docs/api#received_debits">ReceivedDebits</a> depending on their network and source flow. Reversing a ReceivedDebit leads to the creation of a new object known as a DebitReversal. * * @property string $id Unique identifier for the object. * @property string $object String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value. * @property int $amount Amount (in cents) transferred. * @property int $created Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. * @property string $currency Three-letter <a href="https://www.iso.org/iso-4217-currency-codes.html">ISO currency code</a>, in lowercase. Must be a <a href="https://stripe.com/docs/currencies">supported currency</a>. * @property null|string $financial_account The FinancialAccount to reverse funds from. * @property null|string $hosted_regulatory_receipt_url A <a href="https://stripe.com/docs/treasury/moving-money/regulatory-receipts">hosted transaction receipt</a> URL that is provided when money movement is considered regulated under Stripe's money transmission licenses. * @property null|\Stripe\StripeObject $linked_flows Other flows linked to a DebitReversal. * @property bool $livemode Has the value <code>true</code> if the object exists in live mode or the value <code>false</code> if the object exists in test mode. * @property \Stripe\StripeObject $metadata Set of <a href="https://stripe.com/docs/api/metadata">key-value pairs</a> that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. * @property string $network The rails used to reverse the funds. * @property string $received_debit The ReceivedDebit being reversed. * @property string $status Status of the DebitReversal * @property \Stripe\StripeObject $status_transitions * @property null|string|\Stripe\Treasury\Transaction $transaction The Transaction associated with this object. */ class DebitReversal extends \Stripe\ApiResource { const OBJECT_NAME = 'treasury.debit_reversal'; use \Stripe\ApiOperations\All; use \Stripe\ApiOperations\Create; use \Stripe\ApiOperations\Retrieve; const NETWORK_ACH = 'ach'; const NETWORK_CARD = 'card'; const STATUS_FAILED = 'failed'; const STATUS_PROCESSING = 'processing'; const STATUS_SUCCEEDED = 'succeeded'; } OutboundPayment.php 0000777 00000011274 14711035332 0010425 0 ustar 00 <?php // File generated from our OpenAPI spec namespace Stripe\Treasury; /** * Use OutboundPayments to send funds to another party's external bank account or <a href="https://stripe.com/docs/api#financial_accounts">FinancialAccount</a>. To send money to an account belonging to the same user, use an <a href="https://stripe.com/docs/api#outbound_transfers">OutboundTransfer</a>. * * Simulate OutboundPayment state changes with the <code>/v1/test_helpers/treasury/outbound_payments</code> endpoints. These methods can only be called on test mode objects. * * @property string $id Unique identifier for the object. * @property string $object String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value. * @property int $amount Amount (in cents) transferred. * @property bool $cancelable Returns <code>true</code> if the object can be canceled, and <code>false</code> otherwise. * @property int $created Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. * @property string $currency Three-letter <a href="https://www.iso.org/iso-4217-currency-codes.html">ISO currency code</a>, in lowercase. Must be a <a href="https://stripe.com/docs/currencies">supported currency</a>. * @property null|string $customer ID of the <a href="https://stripe.com/docs/api/customers">customer</a> to whom an OutboundPayment is sent. * @property null|string $description An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. * @property null|string $destination_payment_method The PaymentMethod via which an OutboundPayment is sent. This field can be empty if the OutboundPayment was created using <code>destination_payment_method_data</code>. * @property null|\Stripe\StripeObject $destination_payment_method_details Details about the PaymentMethod for an OutboundPayment. * @property null|\Stripe\StripeObject $end_user_details Details about the end user. * @property int $expected_arrival_date The date when funds are expected to arrive in the destination account. * @property string $financial_account The FinancialAccount that funds were pulled from. * @property null|string $hosted_regulatory_receipt_url A <a href="https://stripe.com/docs/treasury/moving-money/regulatory-receipts">hosted transaction receipt</a> URL that is provided when money movement is considered regulated under Stripe's money transmission licenses. * @property bool $livemode Has the value <code>true</code> if the object exists in live mode or the value <code>false</code> if the object exists in test mode. * @property \Stripe\StripeObject $metadata Set of <a href="https://stripe.com/docs/api/metadata">key-value pairs</a> that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. * @property null|\Stripe\StripeObject $returned_details Details about a returned OutboundPayment. Only set when the status is <code>returned</code>. * @property string $statement_descriptor The description that appears on the receiving end for an OutboundPayment (for example, bank statement for external bank transfer). * @property string $status Current status of the OutboundPayment: <code>processing</code>, <code>failed</code>, <code>posted</code>, <code>returned</code>, <code>canceled</code>. An OutboundPayment is <code>processing</code> if it has been created and is pending. The status changes to <code>posted</code> once the OutboundPayment has been "confirmed" and funds have left the account, or to <code>failed</code> or <code>canceled</code>. If an OutboundPayment fails to arrive at its destination, its status will change to <code>returned</code>. * @property \Stripe\StripeObject $status_transitions * @property string|\Stripe\Treasury\Transaction $transaction The Transaction associated with this object. */ class OutboundPayment extends \Stripe\ApiResource { const OBJECT_NAME = 'treasury.outbound_payment'; use \Stripe\ApiOperations\All; use \Stripe\ApiOperations\Create; use \Stripe\ApiOperations\Retrieve; const STATUS_CANCELED = 'canceled'; const STATUS_FAILED = 'failed'; const STATUS_POSTED = 'posted'; const STATUS_PROCESSING = 'processing'; const STATUS_RETURNED = 'returned'; /** * @param null|array $params * @param null|array|string $opts * * @throws \Stripe\Exception\ApiErrorException if the request fails * * @return \Stripe\Treasury\OutboundPayment the canceled outbound payment */ public function cancel($params = null, $opts = null) { $url = $this->instanceUrl() . '/cancel'; list($response, $opts) = $this->_request('post', $url, $params, $opts); $this->refreshFrom($response, $opts); return $this; } } FinancialAccount.php 0000777 00000007541 14711035332 0010473 0 ustar 00 <?php // File generated from our OpenAPI spec namespace Stripe\Treasury; /** * Stripe Treasury provides users with a container for money called a FinancialAccount that is separate from their Payments balance. * FinancialAccounts serve as the source and destination of Treasury’s money movement APIs. * * @property string $id Unique identifier for the object. * @property string $object String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value. * @property null|string[] $active_features The array of paths to active Features in the Features hash. * @property \Stripe\StripeObject $balance Balance information for the FinancialAccount * @property string $country Two-letter country code (<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2">ISO 3166-1 alpha-2</a>). * @property int $created Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. * @property null|\Stripe\Treasury\FinancialAccountFeatures $features Encodes whether a FinancialAccount has access to a particular Feature, with a <code>status</code> enum and associated <code>status_details</code>. Stripe or the platform can control Features via the requested field. * @property \Stripe\StripeObject[] $financial_addresses The set of credentials that resolve to a FinancialAccount. * @property bool $livemode Has the value <code>true</code> if the object exists in live mode or the value <code>false</code> if the object exists in test mode. * @property null|\Stripe\StripeObject $metadata Set of <a href="https://stripe.com/docs/api/metadata">key-value pairs</a> that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. * @property null|string[] $pending_features The array of paths to pending Features in the Features hash. * @property null|\Stripe\StripeObject $platform_restrictions The set of functionalities that the platform can restrict on the FinancialAccount. * @property null|string[] $restricted_features The array of paths to restricted Features in the Features hash. * @property string $status The enum specifying what state the account is in. * @property \Stripe\StripeObject $status_details * @property string[] $supported_currencies The currencies the FinancialAccount can hold a balance in. Three-letter <a href="https://www.iso.org/iso-4217-currency-codes.html">ISO currency code</a>, in lowercase. */ class FinancialAccount extends \Stripe\ApiResource { const OBJECT_NAME = 'treasury.financial_account'; use \Stripe\ApiOperations\All; use \Stripe\ApiOperations\Create; use \Stripe\ApiOperations\Retrieve; use \Stripe\ApiOperations\Update; const STATUS_CLOSED = 'closed'; const STATUS_OPEN = 'open'; /** * @param null|array $params * @param null|array|string $opts * * @throws \Stripe\Exception\ApiErrorException if the request fails * * @return \Stripe\Treasury\FinancialAccountFeatures the retrieved financial account features */ public function retrieveFeatures($params = null, $opts = null) { $url = $this->instanceUrl() . '/features'; list($response, $opts) = $this->_request('get', $url, $params, $opts); $obj = \Stripe\Util\Util::convertToStripeObject($response, $opts); $obj->setLastResponse($response); return $obj; } /** * @param null|array $params * @param null|array|string $opts * * @throws \Stripe\Exception\ApiErrorException if the request fails * * @return \Stripe\Treasury\FinancialAccountFeatures the updated financial account features */ public function updateFeatures($params = null, $opts = null) { $url = $this->instanceUrl() . '/features'; list($response, $opts) = $this->_request('post', $url, $params, $opts); $this->refreshFrom($response, $opts); return $this; } } InboundTransfer.php 0000777 00000010216 14711035332 0010366 0 ustar 00 <?php // File generated from our OpenAPI spec namespace Stripe\Treasury; /** * Use <a href="https://stripe.com/docs/treasury/moving-money/financial-accounts/into/inbound-transfers">InboundTransfers</a> to add funds to your <a href="https://stripe.com/docs/api#financial_accounts">FinancialAccount</a> via a PaymentMethod that is owned by you. The funds will be transferred via an ACH debit. * * @property string $id Unique identifier for the object. * @property string $object String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value. * @property int $amount Amount (in cents) transferred. * @property bool $cancelable Returns <code>true</code> if the InboundTransfer is able to be canceled. * @property int $created Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. * @property string $currency Three-letter <a href="https://www.iso.org/iso-4217-currency-codes.html">ISO currency code</a>, in lowercase. Must be a <a href="https://stripe.com/docs/currencies">supported currency</a>. * @property null|string $description An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. * @property null|\Stripe\StripeObject $failure_details Details about this InboundTransfer's failure. Only set when status is <code>failed</code>. * @property string $financial_account The FinancialAccount that received the funds. * @property null|string $hosted_regulatory_receipt_url A <a href="https://stripe.com/docs/treasury/moving-money/regulatory-receipts">hosted transaction receipt</a> URL that is provided when money movement is considered regulated under Stripe's money transmission licenses. * @property \Stripe\StripeObject $linked_flows * @property bool $livemode Has the value <code>true</code> if the object exists in live mode or the value <code>false</code> if the object exists in test mode. * @property \Stripe\StripeObject $metadata Set of <a href="https://stripe.com/docs/api/metadata">key-value pairs</a> that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. * @property string $origin_payment_method The origin payment method to be debited for an InboundTransfer. * @property null|\Stripe\StripeObject $origin_payment_method_details Details about the PaymentMethod for an InboundTransfer. * @property null|bool $returned Returns <code>true</code> if the funds for an InboundTransfer were returned after the InboundTransfer went to the <code>succeeded</code> state. * @property string $statement_descriptor Statement descriptor shown when funds are debited from the source. Not all payment networks support <code>statement_descriptor</code>. * @property string $status Status of the InboundTransfer: <code>processing</code>, <code>succeeded</code>, <code>failed</code>, and <code>canceled</code>. An InboundTransfer is <code>processing</code> if it is created and pending. The status changes to <code>succeeded</code> once the funds have been "confirmed" and a <code>transaction</code> is created and posted. The status changes to <code>failed</code> if the transfer fails. * @property \Stripe\StripeObject $status_transitions * @property null|string|\Stripe\Treasury\Transaction $transaction The Transaction associated with this object. */ class InboundTransfer extends \Stripe\ApiResource { const OBJECT_NAME = 'treasury.inbound_transfer'; use \Stripe\ApiOperations\All; use \Stripe\ApiOperations\Create; use \Stripe\ApiOperations\Retrieve; const STATUS_CANCELED = 'canceled'; const STATUS_FAILED = 'failed'; const STATUS_PROCESSING = 'processing'; const STATUS_SUCCEEDED = 'succeeded'; /** * @param null|array $params * @param null|array|string $opts * * @throws \Stripe\Exception\ApiErrorException if the request fails * * @return \Stripe\Treasury\InboundTransfer the canceled inbound transfer */ public function cancel($params = null, $opts = null) { $url = $this->instanceUrl() . '/cancel'; list($response, $opts) = $this->_request('post', $url, $params, $opts); $this->refreshFrom($response, $opts); return $this; } } FinancialAccountFeatures.php 0000777 00000002567 14711035332 0012175 0 ustar 00 <?php // File generated from our OpenAPI spec namespace Stripe\Treasury; /** * Encodes whether a FinancialAccount has access to a particular Feature, with a <code>status</code> enum and associated <code>status_details</code>. * Stripe or the platform can control Features via the requested field. * * @property string $object String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value. * @property null|\Stripe\StripeObject $card_issuing Toggle settings for enabling/disabling a feature * @property null|\Stripe\StripeObject $deposit_insurance Toggle settings for enabling/disabling a feature * @property null|\Stripe\StripeObject $financial_addresses Settings related to Financial Addresses features on a Financial Account * @property null|\Stripe\StripeObject $inbound_transfers InboundTransfers contains inbound transfers features for a FinancialAccount. * @property null|\Stripe\StripeObject $intra_stripe_flows Toggle settings for enabling/disabling a feature * @property null|\Stripe\StripeObject $outbound_payments Settings related to Outbound Payments features on a Financial Account * @property null|\Stripe\StripeObject $outbound_transfers OutboundTransfers contains outbound transfers features for a FinancialAccount. */ class FinancialAccountFeatures extends \Stripe\ApiResource { const OBJECT_NAME = 'treasury.financial_account_features'; } OutboundTransfer.php 0000777 00000010600 14711035332 0010564 0 ustar 00 <?php // File generated from our OpenAPI spec namespace Stripe\Treasury; /** * Use OutboundTransfers to transfer funds from a <a href="https://stripe.com/docs/api#financial_accounts">FinancialAccount</a> to a PaymentMethod belonging to the same entity. To send funds to a different party, use <a href="https://stripe.com/docs/api#outbound_payments">OutboundPayments</a> instead. You can send funds over ACH rails or through a domestic wire transfer to a user's own external bank account. * * Simulate OutboundTransfer state changes with the <code>/v1/test_helpers/treasury/outbound_transfers</code> endpoints. These methods can only be called on test mode objects. * * @property string $id Unique identifier for the object. * @property string $object String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value. * @property int $amount Amount (in cents) transferred. * @property bool $cancelable Returns <code>true</code> if the object can be canceled, and <code>false</code> otherwise. * @property int $created Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. * @property string $currency Three-letter <a href="https://www.iso.org/iso-4217-currency-codes.html">ISO currency code</a>, in lowercase. Must be a <a href="https://stripe.com/docs/currencies">supported currency</a>. * @property null|string $description An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. * @property null|string $destination_payment_method The PaymentMethod used as the payment instrument for an OutboundTransfer. * @property \Stripe\StripeObject $destination_payment_method_details * @property int $expected_arrival_date The date when funds are expected to arrive in the destination account. * @property string $financial_account The FinancialAccount that funds were pulled from. * @property null|string $hosted_regulatory_receipt_url A <a href="https://stripe.com/docs/treasury/moving-money/regulatory-receipts">hosted transaction receipt</a> URL that is provided when money movement is considered regulated under Stripe's money transmission licenses. * @property bool $livemode Has the value <code>true</code> if the object exists in live mode or the value <code>false</code> if the object exists in test mode. * @property \Stripe\StripeObject $metadata Set of <a href="https://stripe.com/docs/api/metadata">key-value pairs</a> that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. * @property null|\Stripe\StripeObject $returned_details Details about a returned OutboundTransfer. Only set when the status is <code>returned</code>. * @property string $statement_descriptor Information about the OutboundTransfer to be sent to the recipient account. * @property string $status Current status of the OutboundTransfer: <code>processing</code>, <code>failed</code>, <code>canceled</code>, <code>posted</code>, <code>returned</code>. An OutboundTransfer is <code>processing</code> if it has been created and is pending. The status changes to <code>posted</code> once the OutboundTransfer has been "confirmed" and funds have left the account, or to <code>failed</code> or <code>canceled</code>. If an OutboundTransfer fails to arrive at its destination, its status will change to <code>returned</code>. * @property \Stripe\StripeObject $status_transitions * @property string|\Stripe\Treasury\Transaction $transaction The Transaction associated with this object. */ class OutboundTransfer extends \Stripe\ApiResource { const OBJECT_NAME = 'treasury.outbound_transfer'; use \Stripe\ApiOperations\All; use \Stripe\ApiOperations\Create; use \Stripe\ApiOperations\Retrieve; const STATUS_CANCELED = 'canceled'; const STATUS_FAILED = 'failed'; const STATUS_POSTED = 'posted'; const STATUS_PROCESSING = 'processing'; const STATUS_RETURNED = 'returned'; /** * @param null|array $params * @param null|array|string $opts * * @throws \Stripe\Exception\ApiErrorException if the request fails * * @return \Stripe\Treasury\OutboundTransfer the canceled outbound transfer */ public function cancel($params = null, $opts = null) { $url = $this->instanceUrl() . '/cancel'; list($response, $opts) = $this->_request('post', $url, $params, $opts); $this->refreshFrom($response, $opts); return $this; } } ReceivedCredit.php 0000777 00000005526 14711035332 0010154 0 ustar 00 <?php // File generated from our OpenAPI spec namespace Stripe\Treasury; /** * ReceivedCredits represent funds sent to a <a href="https://stripe.com/docs/api#financial_accounts">FinancialAccount</a> (for example, via ACH or wire). These money movements are not initiated from the FinancialAccount. * * @property string $id Unique identifier for the object. * @property string $object String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value. * @property int $amount Amount (in cents) transferred. * @property int $created Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. * @property string $currency Three-letter <a href="https://www.iso.org/iso-4217-currency-codes.html">ISO currency code</a>, in lowercase. Must be a <a href="https://stripe.com/docs/currencies">supported currency</a>. * @property string $description An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. * @property null|string $failure_code Reason for the failure. A ReceivedCredit might fail because the receiving FinancialAccount is closed or frozen. * @property null|string $financial_account The FinancialAccount that received the funds. * @property null|string $hosted_regulatory_receipt_url A <a href="https://stripe.com/docs/treasury/moving-money/regulatory-receipts">hosted transaction receipt</a> URL that is provided when money movement is considered regulated under Stripe's money transmission licenses. * @property \Stripe\StripeObject $initiating_payment_method_details * @property \Stripe\StripeObject $linked_flows * @property bool $livemode Has the value <code>true</code> if the object exists in live mode or the value <code>false</code> if the object exists in test mode. * @property string $network The rails used to send the funds. * @property null|\Stripe\StripeObject $reversal_details Details describing when a ReceivedCredit may be reversed. * @property string $status Status of the ReceivedCredit. ReceivedCredits are created either <code>succeeded</code> (approved) or <code>failed</code> (declined). If a ReceivedCredit is declined, the failure reason can be found in the <code>failure_code</code> field. * @property null|string|\Stripe\Treasury\Transaction $transaction The Transaction associated with this object. */ class ReceivedCredit extends \Stripe\ApiResource { const OBJECT_NAME = 'treasury.received_credit'; use \Stripe\ApiOperations\All; use \Stripe\ApiOperations\Retrieve; const FAILURE_CODE_ACCOUNT_CLOSED = 'account_closed'; const FAILURE_CODE_ACCOUNT_FROZEN = 'account_frozen'; const FAILURE_CODE_OTHER = 'other'; const NETWORK_ACH = 'ach'; const NETWORK_CARD = 'card'; const NETWORK_STRIPE = 'stripe'; const NETWORK_US_DOMESTIC_WIRE = 'us_domestic_wire'; const STATUS_FAILED = 'failed'; const STATUS_SUCCEEDED = 'succeeded'; } Transaction.php 0000777 00000005004 14711035332 0007547 0 ustar 00 <?php // File generated from our OpenAPI spec namespace Stripe\Treasury; /** * Transactions represent changes to a <a href="https://stripe.com/docs/api#financial_accounts">FinancialAccount's</a> balance. * * @property string $id Unique identifier for the object. * @property string $object String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value. * @property int $amount Amount (in cents) transferred. * @property \Stripe\StripeObject $balance_impact Change to a FinancialAccount's balance * @property int $created Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. * @property string $currency Three-letter <a href="https://www.iso.org/iso-4217-currency-codes.html">ISO currency code</a>, in lowercase. Must be a <a href="https://stripe.com/docs/currencies">supported currency</a>. * @property string $description An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. * @property null|\Stripe\Collection<\Stripe\Treasury\TransactionEntry> $entries A list of TransactionEntries that are part of this Transaction. This cannot be expanded in any list endpoints. * @property string $financial_account The FinancialAccount associated with this object. * @property null|string $flow ID of the flow that created the Transaction. * @property null|\Stripe\StripeObject $flow_details Details of the flow that created the Transaction. * @property string $flow_type Type of the flow that created the Transaction. * @property bool $livemode Has the value <code>true</code> if the object exists in live mode or the value <code>false</code> if the object exists in test mode. * @property string $status Status of the Transaction. * @property \Stripe\StripeObject $status_transitions */ class Transaction extends \Stripe\ApiResource { const OBJECT_NAME = 'treasury.transaction'; use \Stripe\ApiOperations\All; use \Stripe\ApiOperations\Retrieve; const FLOW_TYPE_CREDIT_REVERSAL = 'credit_reversal'; const FLOW_TYPE_DEBIT_REVERSAL = 'debit_reversal'; const FLOW_TYPE_INBOUND_TRANSFER = 'inbound_transfer'; const FLOW_TYPE_ISSUING_AUTHORIZATION = 'issuing_authorization'; const FLOW_TYPE_OTHER = 'other'; const FLOW_TYPE_OUTBOUND_PAYMENT = 'outbound_payment'; const FLOW_TYPE_OUTBOUND_TRANSFER = 'outbound_transfer'; const FLOW_TYPE_RECEIVED_CREDIT = 'received_credit'; const FLOW_TYPE_RECEIVED_DEBIT = 'received_debit'; const STATUS_OPEN = 'open'; const STATUS_POSTED = 'posted'; const STATUS_VOID = 'void'; } ReceivedDebit.php 0000777 00000005504 14711035332 0007765 0 ustar 00 <?php // File generated from our OpenAPI spec namespace Stripe\Treasury; /** * ReceivedDebits represent funds pulled from a <a href="https://stripe.com/docs/api#financial_accounts">FinancialAccount</a>. These are not initiated from the FinancialAccount. * * @property string $id Unique identifier for the object. * @property string $object String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value. * @property int $amount Amount (in cents) transferred. * @property int $created Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. * @property string $currency Three-letter <a href="https://www.iso.org/iso-4217-currency-codes.html">ISO currency code</a>, in lowercase. Must be a <a href="https://stripe.com/docs/currencies">supported currency</a>. * @property string $description An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. * @property null|string $failure_code Reason for the failure. A ReceivedDebit might fail because the FinancialAccount doesn't have sufficient funds, is closed, or is frozen. * @property null|string $financial_account The FinancialAccount that funds were pulled from. * @property null|string $hosted_regulatory_receipt_url A <a href="https://stripe.com/docs/treasury/moving-money/regulatory-receipts">hosted transaction receipt</a> URL that is provided when money movement is considered regulated under Stripe's money transmission licenses. * @property null|\Stripe\StripeObject $initiating_payment_method_details * @property \Stripe\StripeObject $linked_flows * @property bool $livemode Has the value <code>true</code> if the object exists in live mode or the value <code>false</code> if the object exists in test mode. * @property string $network The network used for the ReceivedDebit. * @property null|\Stripe\StripeObject $reversal_details Details describing when a ReceivedDebit might be reversed. * @property string $status Status of the ReceivedDebit. ReceivedDebits are created with a status of either <code>succeeded</code> (approved) or <code>failed</code> (declined). The failure reason can be found under the <code>failure_code</code>. * @property null|string|\Stripe\Treasury\Transaction $transaction The Transaction associated with this object. */ class ReceivedDebit extends \Stripe\ApiResource { const OBJECT_NAME = 'treasury.received_debit'; use \Stripe\ApiOperations\All; use \Stripe\ApiOperations\Retrieve; const FAILURE_CODE_ACCOUNT_CLOSED = 'account_closed'; const FAILURE_CODE_ACCOUNT_FROZEN = 'account_frozen'; const FAILURE_CODE_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS = 'insufficient_funds'; const FAILURE_CODE_OTHER = 'other'; const NETWORK_ACH = 'ach'; const NETWORK_CARD = 'card'; const NETWORK_STRIPE = 'stripe'; const STATUS_FAILED = 'failed'; const STATUS_SUCCEEDED = 'succeeded'; }
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