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Simple.pm 0000644 00000014266 14711200630 0006336 0 ustar 00 package LWP::Simple; use strict; use vars qw($ua %loop_check $FULL_LWP @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK $VERSION); require Exporter; @EXPORT = qw(get head getprint getstore mirror); @EXPORT_OK = qw($ua); # I really hate this. I was a bad idea to do it in the first place. # Wonder how to get rid of it??? (It even makes LWP::Simple 7% slower # for trivial tests) use HTTP::Status; push(@EXPORT, @HTTP::Status::EXPORT); $VERSION = "6.00"; sub import { my $pkg = shift; my $callpkg = caller; Exporter::export($pkg, $callpkg, @_); } use LWP::UserAgent (); use HTTP::Status (); use HTTP::Date (); $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; # we create a global UserAgent object $ua->agent("LWP::Simple/$VERSION "); $ua->env_proxy; sub get ($) { my $response = $ua->get(shift); return $response->decoded_content if $response->is_success; return undef; } sub head ($) { my($url) = @_; my $request = HTTP::Request->new(HEAD => $url); my $response = $ua->request($request); if ($response->is_success) { return $response unless wantarray; return (scalar $response->header('Content-Type'), scalar $response->header('Content-Length'), HTTP::Date::str2time($response->header('Last-Modified')), HTTP::Date::str2time($response->header('Expires')), scalar $response->header('Server'), ); } return; } sub getprint ($) { my($url) = @_; my $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url); local($\) = ""; # ensure standard $OUTPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR my $callback = sub { print $_[0] }; if ($^O eq "MacOS") { $callback = sub { $_[0] =~ s/\015?\012/\n/g; print $_[0] } } my $response = $ua->request($request, $callback); unless ($response->is_success) { print STDERR $response->status_line, " <URL:$url>\n"; } $response->code; } sub getstore ($$) { my($url, $file) = @_; my $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url); my $response = $ua->request($request, $file); $response->code; } sub mirror ($$) { my($url, $file) = @_; my $response = $ua->mirror($url, $file); $response->code; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME LWP::Simple - simple procedural interface to LWP =head1 SYNOPSIS perl -MLWP::Simple -e 'getprint "http://www.sn.no"' use LWP::Simple; $content = get("http://www.sn.no/"); die "Couldn't get it!" unless defined $content; if (mirror("http://www.sn.no/", "foo") == RC_NOT_MODIFIED) { ... } if (is_success(getprint("http://www.sn.no/"))) { ... } =head1 DESCRIPTION This module is meant for people who want a simplified view of the libwww-perl library. It should also be suitable for one-liners. If you need more control or access to the header fields in the requests sent and responses received, then you should use the full object-oriented interface provided by the C<LWP::UserAgent> module. The following functions are provided (and exported) by this module: =over 3 =item get($url) The get() function will fetch the document identified by the given URL and return it. It returns C<undef> if it fails. The $url argument can be either a string or a reference to a URI object. You will not be able to examine the response code or response headers (like 'Content-Type') when you are accessing the web using this function. If you need that information you should use the full OO interface (see L<LWP::UserAgent>). =item head($url) Get document headers. Returns the following 5 values if successful: ($content_type, $document_length, $modified_time, $expires, $server) Returns an empty list if it fails. In scalar context returns TRUE if successful. =item getprint($url) Get and print a document identified by a URL. The document is printed to the selected default filehandle for output (normally STDOUT) as data is received from the network. If the request fails, then the status code and message are printed on STDERR. The return value is the HTTP response code. =item getstore($url, $file) Gets a document identified by a URL and stores it in the file. The return value is the HTTP response code. =item mirror($url, $file) Get and store a document identified by a URL, using I<If-modified-since>, and checking the I<Content-Length>. Returns the HTTP response code. =back This module also exports the HTTP::Status constants and procedures. You can use them when you check the response code from getprint(), getstore() or mirror(). The constants are: RC_CONTINUE RC_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS RC_OK RC_CREATED RC_ACCEPTED RC_NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION RC_NO_CONTENT RC_RESET_CONTENT RC_PARTIAL_CONTENT RC_MULTIPLE_CHOICES RC_MOVED_PERMANENTLY RC_MOVED_TEMPORARILY RC_SEE_OTHER RC_NOT_MODIFIED RC_USE_PROXY RC_BAD_REQUEST RC_UNAUTHORIZED RC_PAYMENT_REQUIRED RC_FORBIDDEN RC_NOT_FOUND RC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED RC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE RC_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED RC_REQUEST_TIMEOUT RC_CONFLICT RC_GONE RC_LENGTH_REQUIRED RC_PRECONDITION_FAILED RC_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE RC_REQUEST_URI_TOO_LARGE RC_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE RC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR RC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED RC_BAD_GATEWAY RC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE RC_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT RC_HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED The HTTP::Status classification functions are: =over 3 =item is_success($rc) True if response code indicated a successful request. =item is_error($rc) True if response code indicated that an error occurred. =back The module will also export the LWP::UserAgent object as C<$ua> if you ask for it explicitly. The user agent created by this module will identify itself as "LWP::Simple/#.##" and will initialize its proxy defaults from the environment (by calling $ua->env_proxy). =head1 CAVEAT Note that if you are using both LWP::Simple and the very popular CGI.pm module, you may be importing a C<head> function from each module, producing a warning like "Prototype mismatch: sub main::head ($) vs none". Get around this problem by just not importing LWP::Simple's C<head> function, like so: use LWP::Simple qw(!head); use CGI qw(:standard); # then only CGI.pm defines a head() Then if you do need LWP::Simple's C<head> function, you can just call it as C<LWP::Simple::head($url)>. =head1 SEE ALSO L<LWP>, L<lwpcook>, L<LWP::UserAgent>, L<HTTP::Status>, L<lwp-request>, L<lwp-mirror> Authen/Ntlm.pm 0000644 00000012412 14711200630 0007232 0 ustar 00 package LWP::Authen::Ntlm; use strict; use vars qw/$VERSION/; $VERSION = "6.00"; use Authen::NTLM "1.02"; use MIME::Base64 "2.12"; sub authenticate { my($class, $ua, $proxy, $auth_param, $response, $request, $arg, $size) = @_; my($user, $pass) = $ua->get_basic_credentials($auth_param->{realm}, $request->uri, $proxy); unless(defined $user and defined $pass) { return $response; } if (!$ua->conn_cache()) { warn "The keep_alive option must be enabled for NTLM authentication to work. NTLM authentication aborted.\n"; return $response; } my($domain, $username) = split(/\\/, $user); ntlm_domain($domain); ntlm_user($username); ntlm_password($pass); my $auth_header = $proxy ? "Proxy-Authorization" : "Authorization"; # my ($challenge) = $response->header('WWW-Authenticate'); my $challenge; foreach ($response->header('WWW-Authenticate')) { last if /^NTLM/ && ($challenge=$_); } if ($challenge eq 'NTLM') { # First phase, send handshake my $auth_value = "NTLM " . ntlm(); ntlm_reset(); # Need to check this isn't a repeated fail! my $r = $response; my $retry_count = 0; while ($r) { my $auth = $r->request->header($auth_header); ++$retry_count if ($auth && $auth eq $auth_value); if ($retry_count > 2) { # here we know this failed before $response->header("Client-Warning" => "Credentials for '$user' failed before"); return $response; } $r = $r->previous; } my $referral = $request->clone; $referral->header($auth_header => $auth_value); return $ua->request($referral, $arg, $size, $response); } else { # Second phase, use the response challenge (unless non-401 code # was returned, in which case, we just send back the response # object, as is my $auth_value; if ($response->code ne '401') { return $response; } else { my $challenge; foreach ($response->header('WWW-Authenticate')) { last if /^NTLM/ && ($challenge=$_); } $challenge =~ s/^NTLM //; ntlm(); $auth_value = "NTLM " . ntlm($challenge); ntlm_reset(); } my $referral = $request->clone; $referral->header($auth_header => $auth_value); my $response2 = $ua->request($referral, $arg, $size, $response); return $response2; } } 1; =head1 NAME LWP::Authen::Ntlm - Library for enabling NTLM authentication (Microsoft) in LWP =head1 SYNOPSIS use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request::Common; my $url = 'http://www.company.com/protected_page.html'; # Set up the ntlm client and then the base64 encoded ntlm handshake message my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(keep_alive=>1); $ua->credentials('www.company.com:80', '', "MyDomain\\MyUserCode", 'MyPassword'); $request = GET $url; print "--Performing request now...-----------\n"; $response = $ua->request($request); print "--Done with request-------------------\n"; if ($response->is_success) {print "It worked!->" . $response->code . "\n"} else {print "It didn't work!->" . $response->code . "\n"} =head1 DESCRIPTION C<LWP::Authen::Ntlm> allows LWP to authenticate against servers that are using the NTLM authentication scheme popularized by Microsoft. This type of authentication is common on intranets of Microsoft-centric organizations. The module takes advantage of the Authen::NTLM module by Mark Bush. Since there is also another Authen::NTLM module available from CPAN by Yee Man Chan with an entirely different interface, it is necessary to ensure that you have the correct NTLM module. In addition, there have been problems with incompatibilities between different versions of Mime::Base64, which Bush's Authen::NTLM makes use of. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that your Mime::Base64 module supports exporting of the encode_base64 and decode_base64 functions. =head1 USAGE The module is used indirectly through LWP, rather than including it directly in your code. The LWP system will invoke the NTLM authentication when it encounters the authentication scheme while attempting to retrieve a URL from a server. In order for the NTLM authentication to work, you must have a few things set up in your code prior to attempting to retrieve the URL: =over 4 =item * Enable persistent HTTP connections To do this, pass the "keep_alive=>1" option to the LWP::UserAgent when creating it, like this: my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(keep_alive=>1); =item * Set the credentials on the UserAgent object The credentials must be set like this: $ua->credentials('www.company.com:80', '', "MyDomain\\MyUserCode", 'MyPassword'); Note that you cannot use the HTTP::Request object's authorization_basic() method to set the credentials. Note, too, that the 'www.company.com:80' portion only sets credentials on the specified port AND it is case-sensitive (this is due to the way LWP is coded, and has nothing to do with LWP::Authen::Ntlm) =back =head1 AVAILABILITY General queries regarding LWP should be made to the LWP Mailing List. Questions specific to LWP::Authen::Ntlm can be forwarded to jtillman@bigfoot.com =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2002 James Tillman. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 SEE ALSO L<LWP>, L<LWP::UserAgent>, L<lwpcook>. Authen/Basic.pm 0000644 00000004005 14711200630 0007340 0 ustar 00 package LWP::Authen::Basic; use strict; require MIME::Base64; sub auth_header { my($class, $user, $pass) = @_; return "Basic " . MIME::Base64::encode("$user:$pass", ""); } sub authenticate { my($class, $ua, $proxy, $auth_param, $response, $request, $arg, $size) = @_; my $realm = $auth_param->{realm} || ""; my $url = $proxy ? $request->{proxy} : $request->uri_canonical; return $response unless $url; my $host_port = $url->host_port; my $auth_header = $proxy ? "Proxy-Authorization" : "Authorization"; my @m = $proxy ? (m_proxy => $url) : (m_host_port => $host_port); push(@m, realm => $realm); my $h = $ua->get_my_handler("request_prepare", @m, sub { $_[0]{callback} = sub { my($req, $ua, $h) = @_; my($user, $pass) = $ua->credentials($host_port, $h->{realm}); if (defined $user) { my $auth_value = $class->auth_header($user, $pass, $req, $ua, $h); $req->header($auth_header => $auth_value); } }; }); $h->{auth_param} = $auth_param; if (!$proxy && !$request->header($auth_header) && $ua->credentials($host_port, $realm)) { # we can make sure this handler applies and retry add_path($h, $url->path); return $ua->request($request->clone, $arg, $size, $response); } my($user, $pass) = $ua->get_basic_credentials($realm, $url, $proxy); unless (defined $user and defined $pass) { $ua->set_my_handler("request_prepare", undef, @m); # delete handler return $response; } # check that the password has changed my ($olduser, $oldpass) = $ua->credentials($host_port, $realm); return $response if (defined $olduser and defined $oldpass and $user eq $olduser and $pass eq $oldpass); $ua->credentials($host_port, $realm, $user, $pass); add_path($h, $url->path) unless $proxy; return $ua->request($request->clone, $arg, $size, $response); } sub add_path { my($h, $path) = @_; $path =~ s,[^/]+\z,,; push(@{$h->{m_path_prefix}}, $path); } 1; Authen/Digest.pm 0000644 00000003414 14711200630 0007541 0 ustar 00 package LWP::Authen::Digest; use strict; use base 'LWP::Authen::Basic'; require Digest::MD5; sub auth_header { my($class, $user, $pass, $request, $ua, $h) = @_; my $auth_param = $h->{auth_param}; my $nc = sprintf "%08X", ++$ua->{authen_md5_nonce_count}{$auth_param->{nonce}}; my $cnonce = sprintf "%8x", time; my $uri = $request->uri->path_query; $uri = "/" unless length $uri; my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new; my(@digest); $md5->add(join(":", $user, $auth_param->{realm}, $pass)); push(@digest, $md5->hexdigest); $md5->reset; push(@digest, $auth_param->{nonce}); if ($auth_param->{qop}) { push(@digest, $nc, $cnonce, ($auth_param->{qop} =~ m|^auth[,;]auth-int$|) ? 'auth' : $auth_param->{qop}); } $md5->add(join(":", $request->method, $uri)); push(@digest, $md5->hexdigest); $md5->reset; $md5->add(join(":", @digest)); my($digest) = $md5->hexdigest; $md5->reset; my %resp = map { $_ => $auth_param->{$_} } qw(realm nonce opaque); @resp{qw(username uri response algorithm)} = ($user, $uri, $digest, "MD5"); if (($auth_param->{qop} || "") =~ m|^auth([,;]auth-int)?$|) { @resp{qw(qop cnonce nc)} = ("auth", $cnonce, $nc); } my(@order) = qw(username realm qop algorithm uri nonce nc cnonce response); if($request->method =~ /^(?:POST|PUT)$/) { $md5->add($request->content); my $content = $md5->hexdigest; $md5->reset; $md5->add(join(":", @digest[0..1], $content)); $md5->reset; $resp{"message-digest"} = $md5->hexdigest; push(@order, "message-digest"); } push(@order, "opaque"); my @pairs; for (@order) { next unless defined $resp{$_}; push(@pairs, "$_=" . qq("$resp{$_}")); } my $auth_value = "Digest " . join(", ", @pairs); return $auth_value; } 1; Debug.pm 0000644 00000005006 14711200630 0006123 0 ustar 00 package LWP::Debug; # legacy require Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT_OK = qw(level trace debug conns); use Carp (); my @levels = qw(trace debug conns); %current_level = (); sub import { my $pack = shift; my $callpkg = caller(0); my @symbols = (); my @levels = (); for (@_) { if (/^[-+]/) { push(@levels, $_); } else { push(@symbols, $_); } } Exporter::export($pack, $callpkg, @symbols); level(@levels); } sub level { for (@_) { if ($_ eq '+') { # all on # switch on all levels %current_level = map { $_ => 1 } @levels; } elsif ($_ eq '-') { # all off %current_level = (); } elsif (/^([-+])(\w+)$/) { $current_level{$2} = $1 eq '+'; } else { Carp::croak("Illegal level format $_"); } } } sub trace { _log(@_) if $current_level{'trace'}; } sub debug { _log(@_) if $current_level{'debug'}; } sub conns { _log(@_) if $current_level{'conns'}; } sub _log { my $msg = shift; $msg .= "\n" unless $msg =~ /\n$/; # ensure trailing "\n" my($package,$filename,$line,$sub) = caller(2); print STDERR "$sub: $msg"; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME LWP::Debug - deprecated =head1 DESCRIPTION LWP::Debug used to provide tracing facilities, but these are not used by LWP any more. The code in this module is kept around (undocumented) so that 3rd party code that happen to use the old interfaces continue to run. One useful feature that LWP::Debug provided (in an imprecise and troublesome way) was network traffic monitoring. The following section provide some hints about recommened replacements. =head2 Network traffic monitoring The best way to monitor the network traffic that LWP generates is to use an external TCP monitoring program. The Wireshark program (L<http://www.wireshark.org/>) is higly recommended for this. Another approach it to use a debugging HTTP proxy server and make LWP direct all its traffic via this one. Call C<< $ua->proxy >> to set it up and then just use LWP as before. For less precise monitoring needs just setting up a few simple handlers might do. The following example sets up handlers to dump the request and response objects that pass through LWP: use LWP::UserAgent; $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->default_header('Accept-Encoding' => scalar HTTP::Message::decodable()); $ua->add_handler("request_send", sub { shift->dump; return }); $ua->add_handler("response_done", sub { shift->dump; return }); $ua->get("http://www.example.com"); =head1 SEE ALSO L<LWP::UserAgent> RobotUA.pm 0000644 00000017041 14711200630 0006412 0 ustar 00 package LWP::RobotUA; require LWP::UserAgent; @ISA = qw(LWP::UserAgent); $VERSION = "6.03"; require WWW::RobotRules; require HTTP::Request; require HTTP::Response; use Carp (); use HTTP::Status (); use HTTP::Date qw(time2str); use strict; # # Additional attributes in addition to those found in LWP::UserAgent: # # $self->{'delay'} Required delay between request to the same # server in minutes. # # $self->{'rules'} A WWW::RobotRules object # sub new { my $class = shift; my %cnf; if (@_ < 4) { # legacy args @cnf{qw(agent from rules)} = @_; } else { %cnf = @_; } Carp::croak('LWP::RobotUA agent required') unless $cnf{agent}; Carp::croak('LWP::RobotUA from address required') unless $cnf{from} && $cnf{from} =~ m/\@/; my $delay = delete $cnf{delay} || 1; my $use_sleep = delete $cnf{use_sleep}; $use_sleep = 1 unless defined($use_sleep); my $rules = delete $cnf{rules}; my $self = LWP::UserAgent->new(%cnf); $self = bless $self, $class; $self->{'delay'} = $delay; # minutes $self->{'use_sleep'} = $use_sleep; if ($rules) { $rules->agent($cnf{agent}); $self->{'rules'} = $rules; } else { $self->{'rules'} = WWW::RobotRules->new($cnf{agent}); } $self; } sub delay { shift->_elem('delay', @_); } sub use_sleep { shift->_elem('use_sleep', @_); } sub agent { my $self = shift; my $old = $self->SUPER::agent(@_); if (@_) { # Changing our name means to start fresh $self->{'rules'}->agent($self->{'agent'}); } $old; } sub rules { my $self = shift; my $old = $self->_elem('rules', @_); $self->{'rules'}->agent($self->{'agent'}) if @_; $old; } sub no_visits { my($self, $netloc) = @_; $self->{'rules'}->no_visits($netloc) || 0; } *host_count = \&no_visits; # backwards compatibility with LWP-5.02 sub host_wait { my($self, $netloc) = @_; return undef unless defined $netloc; my $last = $self->{'rules'}->last_visit($netloc); if ($last) { my $wait = int($self->{'delay'} * 60 - (time - $last)); $wait = 0 if $wait < 0; return $wait; } return 0; } sub simple_request { my($self, $request, $arg, $size) = @_; # Do we try to access a new server? my $allowed = $self->{'rules'}->allowed($request->uri); if ($allowed < 0) { # Host is not visited before, or robots.txt expired; fetch "robots.txt" my $robot_url = $request->uri->clone; $robot_url->path("robots.txt"); $robot_url->query(undef); # make access to robot.txt legal since this will be a recursive call $self->{'rules'}->parse($robot_url, ""); my $robot_req = HTTP::Request->new('GET', $robot_url); my $parse_head = $self->parse_head(0); my $robot_res = $self->request($robot_req); $self->parse_head($parse_head); my $fresh_until = $robot_res->fresh_until; my $content = ""; if ($robot_res->is_success && $robot_res->content_is_text) { $content = $robot_res->decoded_content; $content = "" unless $content && $content =~ /^\s*Disallow\s*:/mi; } $self->{'rules'}->parse($robot_url, $content, $fresh_until); # recalculate allowed... $allowed = $self->{'rules'}->allowed($request->uri); } # Check rules unless ($allowed) { my $res = HTTP::Response->new( &HTTP::Status::RC_FORBIDDEN, 'Forbidden by robots.txt'); $res->request( $request ); # bind it to that request return $res; } my $netloc = eval { local $SIG{__DIE__}; $request->uri->host_port; }; my $wait = $self->host_wait($netloc); if ($wait) { if ($self->{'use_sleep'}) { sleep($wait) } else { my $res = HTTP::Response->new( &HTTP::Status::RC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, 'Please, slow down'); $res->header('Retry-After', time2str(time + $wait)); $res->request( $request ); # bind it to that request return $res; } } # Perform the request my $res = $self->SUPER::simple_request($request, $arg, $size); $self->{'rules'}->visit($netloc); $res; } sub as_string { my $self = shift; my @s; push(@s, "Robot: $self->{'agent'} operated by $self->{'from'} [$self]"); push(@s, " Minimum delay: " . int($self->{'delay'}*60) . "s"); push(@s, " Will sleep if too early") if $self->{'use_sleep'}; push(@s, " Rules = $self->{'rules'}"); join("\n", @s, ''); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME LWP::RobotUA - a class for well-behaved Web robots =head1 SYNOPSIS use LWP::RobotUA; my $ua = LWP::RobotUA->new('my-robot/0.1', 'me@foo.com'); $ua->delay(10); # be very nice -- max one hit every ten minutes! ... # Then just use it just like a normal LWP::UserAgent: my $response = $ua->get('http://whatever.int/...'); ... =head1 DESCRIPTION This class implements a user agent that is suitable for robot applications. Robots should be nice to the servers they visit. They should consult the F</robots.txt> file to ensure that they are welcomed and they should not make requests too frequently. But before you consider writing a robot, take a look at <URL:http://www.robotstxt.org/>. When you use a I<LWP::RobotUA> object as your user agent, then you do not really have to think about these things yourself; C<robots.txt> files are automatically consulted and obeyed, the server isn't queried too rapidly, and so on. Just send requests as you do when you are using a normal I<LWP::UserAgent> object (using C<< $ua->get(...) >>, C<< $ua->head(...) >>, C<< $ua->request(...) >>, etc.), and this special agent will make sure you are nice. =head1 METHODS The LWP::RobotUA is a sub-class of LWP::UserAgent and implements the same methods. In addition the following methods are provided: =over 4 =item $ua = LWP::RobotUA->new( %options ) =item $ua = LWP::RobotUA->new( $agent, $from ) =item $ua = LWP::RobotUA->new( $agent, $from, $rules ) The LWP::UserAgent options C<agent> and C<from> are mandatory. The options C<delay>, C<use_sleep> and C<rules> initialize attributes private to the RobotUA. If C<rules> are not provided, then C<WWW::RobotRules> is instantiated providing an internal database of F<robots.txt>. It is also possible to just pass the value of C<agent>, C<from> and optionally C<rules> as plain positional arguments. =item $ua->delay =item $ua->delay( $minutes ) Get/set the minimum delay between requests to the same server, in I<minutes>. The default is 1 minute. Note that this number doesn't have to be an integer; for example, this sets the delay to 10 seconds: $ua->delay(10/60); =item $ua->use_sleep =item $ua->use_sleep( $boolean ) Get/set a value indicating whether the UA should sleep() if requests arrive too fast, defined as $ua->delay minutes not passed since last request to the given server. The default is TRUE. If this value is FALSE then an internal SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE response will be generated. It will have an Retry-After header that indicates when it is OK to send another request to this server. =item $ua->rules =item $ua->rules( $rules ) Set/get which I<WWW::RobotRules> object to use. =item $ua->no_visits( $netloc ) Returns the number of documents fetched from this server host. Yeah I know, this method should probably have been named num_visits() or something like that. :-( =item $ua->host_wait( $netloc ) Returns the number of I<seconds> (from now) you must wait before you can make a new request to this host. =item $ua->as_string Returns a string that describes the state of the UA. Mainly useful for debugging. =back =head1 SEE ALSO L<LWP::UserAgent>, L<WWW::RobotRules> =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 1996-2004 Gisle Aas. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. UserAgent.pm 0000644 00000164611 14711200630 0007002 0 ustar 00 package LWP::UserAgent; use strict; use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION); require LWP::MemberMixin; @ISA = qw(LWP::MemberMixin); $VERSION = "6.05"; use HTTP::Request (); use HTTP::Response (); use HTTP::Date (); use LWP (); use LWP::Protocol (); use Carp (); sub new { # Check for common user mistake Carp::croak("Options to LWP::UserAgent should be key/value pairs, not hash reference") if ref($_[1]) eq 'HASH'; my($class, %cnf) = @_; my $agent = delete $cnf{agent}; my $from = delete $cnf{from}; my $def_headers = delete $cnf{default_headers}; my $timeout = delete $cnf{timeout}; $timeout = 3*60 unless defined $timeout; my $local_address = delete $cnf{local_address}; my $ssl_opts = delete $cnf{ssl_opts} || {}; unless (exists $ssl_opts->{verify_hostname}) { # The processing of HTTPS_CA_* below is for compatibility with Crypt::SSLeay if (exists $ENV{PERL_LWP_SSL_VERIFY_HOSTNAME}) { $ssl_opts->{verify_hostname} = $ENV{PERL_LWP_SSL_VERIFY_HOSTNAME}; } elsif ($ENV{HTTPS_CA_FILE} || $ENV{HTTPS_CA_DIR}) { # Crypt-SSLeay compatibility (verify peer certificate; but not the hostname) $ssl_opts->{verify_hostname} = 0; $ssl_opts->{SSL_verify_mode} = 1; } else { $ssl_opts->{verify_hostname} = 1; } } unless (exists $ssl_opts->{SSL_ca_file}) { if (my $ca_file = $ENV{PERL_LWP_SSL_CA_FILE} || $ENV{HTTPS_CA_FILE}) { $ssl_opts->{SSL_ca_file} = $ca_file; } } unless (exists $ssl_opts->{SSL_ca_path}) { if (my $ca_path = $ENV{PERL_LWP_SSL_CA_PATH} || $ENV{HTTPS_CA_DIR}) { $ssl_opts->{SSL_ca_path} = $ca_path; } } my $use_eval = delete $cnf{use_eval}; $use_eval = 1 unless defined $use_eval; my $parse_head = delete $cnf{parse_head}; $parse_head = 1 unless defined $parse_head; my $show_progress = delete $cnf{show_progress}; my $max_size = delete $cnf{max_size}; my $max_redirect = delete $cnf{max_redirect}; $max_redirect = 7 unless defined $max_redirect; my $env_proxy = exists $cnf{env_proxy} ? delete $cnf{env_proxy} : $ENV{PERL_LWP_ENV_PROXY}; my $cookie_jar = delete $cnf{cookie_jar}; my $conn_cache = delete $cnf{conn_cache}; my $keep_alive = delete $cnf{keep_alive}; Carp::croak("Can't mix conn_cache and keep_alive") if $conn_cache && $keep_alive; my $protocols_allowed = delete $cnf{protocols_allowed}; my $protocols_forbidden = delete $cnf{protocols_forbidden}; my $requests_redirectable = delete $cnf{requests_redirectable}; $requests_redirectable = ['GET', 'HEAD'] unless defined $requests_redirectable; # Actually ""s are just as good as 0's, but for concision we'll just say: Carp::croak("protocols_allowed has to be an arrayref or 0, not \"$protocols_allowed\"!") if $protocols_allowed and ref($protocols_allowed) ne 'ARRAY'; Carp::croak("protocols_forbidden has to be an arrayref or 0, not \"$protocols_forbidden\"!") if $protocols_forbidden and ref($protocols_forbidden) ne 'ARRAY'; Carp::croak("requests_redirectable has to be an arrayref or 0, not \"$requests_redirectable\"!") if $requests_redirectable and ref($requests_redirectable) ne 'ARRAY'; if (%cnf && $^W) { Carp::carp("Unrecognized LWP::UserAgent options: @{[sort keys %cnf]}"); } my $self = bless { def_headers => $def_headers, timeout => $timeout, local_address => $local_address, ssl_opts => $ssl_opts, use_eval => $use_eval, show_progress=> $show_progress, max_size => $max_size, max_redirect => $max_redirect, proxy => {}, no_proxy => [], protocols_allowed => $protocols_allowed, protocols_forbidden => $protocols_forbidden, requests_redirectable => $requests_redirectable, }, $class; $self->agent(defined($agent) ? $agent : $class->_agent) if defined($agent) || !$def_headers || !$def_headers->header("User-Agent"); $self->from($from) if $from; $self->cookie_jar($cookie_jar) if $cookie_jar; $self->parse_head($parse_head); $self->env_proxy if $env_proxy; $self->protocols_allowed( $protocols_allowed ) if $protocols_allowed; $self->protocols_forbidden($protocols_forbidden) if $protocols_forbidden; if ($keep_alive) { $conn_cache ||= { total_capacity => $keep_alive }; } $self->conn_cache($conn_cache) if $conn_cache; return $self; } sub send_request { my($self, $request, $arg, $size) = @_; my($method, $url) = ($request->method, $request->uri); my $scheme = $url->scheme; local($SIG{__DIE__}); # protect against user defined die handlers $self->progress("begin", $request); my $response = $self->run_handlers("request_send", $request); unless ($response) { my $protocol; { # Honor object-specific restrictions by forcing protocol objects # into class LWP::Protocol::nogo. my $x; if($x = $self->protocols_allowed) { if (grep lc($_) eq $scheme, @$x) { } else { require LWP::Protocol::nogo; $protocol = LWP::Protocol::nogo->new; } } elsif ($x = $self->protocols_forbidden) { if(grep lc($_) eq $scheme, @$x) { require LWP::Protocol::nogo; $protocol = LWP::Protocol::nogo->new; } } # else fall thru and create the protocol object normally } # Locate protocol to use my $proxy = $request->{proxy}; if ($proxy) { $scheme = $proxy->scheme; } unless ($protocol) { $protocol = eval { LWP::Protocol::create($scheme, $self) }; if ($@) { $@ =~ s/ at .* line \d+.*//s; # remove file/line number $response = _new_response($request, &HTTP::Status::RC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, $@); if ($scheme eq "https") { $response->message($response->message . " (LWP::Protocol::https not installed)"); $response->content_type("text/plain"); $response->content(<<EOT); LWP will support https URLs if the LWP::Protocol::https module is installed. EOT } } } if (!$response && $self->{use_eval}) { # we eval, and turn dies into responses below eval { $response = $protocol->request($request, $proxy, $arg, $size, $self->{timeout}) || die "No response returned by $protocol"; }; if ($@) { if (UNIVERSAL::isa($@, "HTTP::Response")) { $response = $@; $response->request($request); } else { my $full = $@; (my $status = $@) =~ s/\n.*//s; $status =~ s/ at .* line \d+.*//s; # remove file/line number my $code = ($status =~ s/^(\d\d\d)\s+//) ? $1 : &HTTP::Status::RC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; $response = _new_response($request, $code, $status, $full); } } } elsif (!$response) { $response = $protocol->request($request, $proxy, $arg, $size, $self->{timeout}); # XXX: Should we die unless $response->is_success ??? } } $response->request($request); # record request for reference $response->header("Client-Date" => HTTP::Date::time2str(time)); $self->run_handlers("response_done", $response); $self->progress("end", $response); return $response; } sub prepare_request { my($self, $request) = @_; die "Method missing" unless $request->method; my $url = $request->uri; die "URL missing" unless $url; die "URL must be absolute" unless $url->scheme; $self->run_handlers("request_preprepare", $request); if (my $def_headers = $self->{def_headers}) { for my $h ($def_headers->header_field_names) { $request->init_header($h => [$def_headers->header($h)]); } } $self->run_handlers("request_prepare", $request); return $request; } sub simple_request { my($self, $request, $arg, $size) = @_; # sanity check the request passed in if (defined $request) { if (ref $request) { Carp::croak("You need a request object, not a " . ref($request) . " object") if ref($request) eq 'ARRAY' or ref($request) eq 'HASH' or !$request->can('method') or !$request->can('uri'); } else { Carp::croak("You need a request object, not '$request'"); } } else { Carp::croak("No request object passed in"); } eval { $request = $self->prepare_request($request); }; if ($@) { $@ =~ s/ at .* line \d+.*//s; # remove file/line number return _new_response($request, &HTTP::Status::RC_BAD_REQUEST, $@); } return $self->send_request($request, $arg, $size); } sub request { my($self, $request, $arg, $size, $previous) = @_; my $response = $self->simple_request($request, $arg, $size); $response->previous($previous) if $previous; if ($response->redirects >= $self->{max_redirect}) { $response->header("Client-Warning" => "Redirect loop detected (max_redirect = $self->{max_redirect})"); return $response; } if (my $req = $self->run_handlers("response_redirect", $response)) { return $self->request($req, $arg, $size, $response); } my $code = $response->code; if ($code == &HTTP::Status::RC_MOVED_PERMANENTLY or $code == &HTTP::Status::RC_FOUND or $code == &HTTP::Status::RC_SEE_OTHER or $code == &HTTP::Status::RC_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT) { my $referral = $request->clone; # These headers should never be forwarded $referral->remove_header('Host', 'Cookie'); if ($referral->header('Referer') && $request->uri->scheme eq 'https' && $referral->uri->scheme eq 'http') { # RFC 2616, section 15.1.3. # https -> http redirect, suppressing Referer $referral->remove_header('Referer'); } if ($code == &HTTP::Status::RC_SEE_OTHER || $code == &HTTP::Status::RC_FOUND) { my $method = uc($referral->method); unless ($method eq "GET" || $method eq "HEAD") { $referral->method("GET"); $referral->content(""); $referral->remove_content_headers; } } # And then we update the URL based on the Location:-header. my $referral_uri = $response->header('Location'); { # Some servers erroneously return a relative URL for redirects, # so make it absolute if it not already is. local $URI::ABS_ALLOW_RELATIVE_SCHEME = 1; my $base = $response->base; $referral_uri = "" unless defined $referral_uri; $referral_uri = $HTTP::URI_CLASS->new($referral_uri, $base) ->abs($base); } $referral->uri($referral_uri); return $response unless $self->redirect_ok($referral, $response); return $self->request($referral, $arg, $size, $response); } elsif ($code == &HTTP::Status::RC_UNAUTHORIZED || $code == &HTTP::Status::RC_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED ) { my $proxy = ($code == &HTTP::Status::RC_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED); my $ch_header = $proxy ? "Proxy-Authenticate" : "WWW-Authenticate"; my @challenge = $response->header($ch_header); unless (@challenge) { $response->header("Client-Warning" => "Missing Authenticate header"); return $response; } require HTTP::Headers::Util; CHALLENGE: for my $challenge (@challenge) { $challenge =~ tr/,/;/; # "," is used to separate auth-params!! ($challenge) = HTTP::Headers::Util::split_header_words($challenge); my $scheme = shift(@$challenge); shift(@$challenge); # no value $challenge = { @$challenge }; # make rest into a hash unless ($scheme =~ /^([a-z]+(?:-[a-z]+)*)$/) { $response->header("Client-Warning" => "Bad authentication scheme '$scheme'"); return $response; } $scheme = $1; # untainted now my $class = "LWP::Authen::\u$scheme"; $class =~ s/-/_/g; no strict 'refs'; unless (%{"$class\::"}) { # try to load it eval "require $class"; if ($@) { if ($@ =~ /^Can\'t locate/) { $response->header("Client-Warning" => "Unsupported authentication scheme '$scheme'"); } else { $response->header("Client-Warning" => $@); } next CHALLENGE; } } unless ($class->can("authenticate")) { $response->header("Client-Warning" => "Unsupported authentication scheme '$scheme'"); next CHALLENGE; } return $class->authenticate($self, $proxy, $challenge, $response, $request, $arg, $size); } return $response; } return $response; } # # Now the shortcuts... # sub get { require HTTP::Request::Common; my($self, @parameters) = @_; my @suff = $self->_process_colonic_headers(\@parameters,1); return $self->request( HTTP::Request::Common::GET( @parameters ), @suff ); } sub post { require HTTP::Request::Common; my($self, @parameters) = @_; my @suff = $self->_process_colonic_headers(\@parameters, (ref($parameters[1]) ? 2 : 1)); return $self->request( HTTP::Request::Common::POST( @parameters ), @suff ); } sub head { require HTTP::Request::Common; my($self, @parameters) = @_; my @suff = $self->_process_colonic_headers(\@parameters,1); return $self->request( HTTP::Request::Common::HEAD( @parameters ), @suff ); } sub put { require HTTP::Request::Common; my($self, @parameters) = @_; my @suff = $self->_process_colonic_headers(\@parameters, (ref($parameters[1]) ? 2 : 1)); return $self->request( HTTP::Request::Common::PUT( @parameters ), @suff ); } sub delete { require HTTP::Request::Common; my($self, @parameters) = @_; my @suff = $self->_process_colonic_headers(\@parameters,1); return $self->request( HTTP::Request::Common::DELETE( @parameters ), @suff ); } sub _process_colonic_headers { # Process :content_cb / :content_file / :read_size_hint headers. my($self, $args, $start_index) = @_; my($arg, $size); for(my $i = $start_index; $i < @$args; $i += 2) { next unless defined $args->[$i]; #printf "Considering %s => %s\n", $args->[$i], $args->[$i + 1]; if($args->[$i] eq ':content_cb') { # Some sanity-checking... $arg = $args->[$i + 1]; Carp::croak("A :content_cb value can't be undef") unless defined $arg; Carp::croak("A :content_cb value must be a coderef") unless ref $arg and UNIVERSAL::isa($arg, 'CODE'); } elsif ($args->[$i] eq ':content_file') { $arg = $args->[$i + 1]; # Some sanity-checking... Carp::croak("A :content_file value can't be undef") unless defined $arg; Carp::croak("A :content_file value can't be a reference") if ref $arg; Carp::croak("A :content_file value can't be \"\"") unless length $arg; } elsif ($args->[$i] eq ':read_size_hint') { $size = $args->[$i + 1]; # Bother checking it? } else { next; } splice @$args, $i, 2; $i -= 2; } # And return a suitable suffix-list for request(REQ,...) return unless defined $arg; return $arg, $size if defined $size; return $arg; } sub is_online { my $self = shift; return 1 if $self->get("http://www.msftncsi.com/ncsi.txt")->content eq "Microsoft NCSI"; return 1 if $self->get("http://www.apple.com")->content =~ m,<title>Apple</title>,; return 0; } my @ANI = qw(- \ | /); sub progress { my($self, $status, $m) = @_; return unless $self->{show_progress}; local($,, $\); if ($status eq "begin") { print STDERR "** ", $m->method, " ", $m->uri, " ==> "; $self->{progress_start} = time; $self->{progress_lastp} = ""; $self->{progress_ani} = 0; } elsif ($status eq "end") { delete $self->{progress_lastp}; delete $self->{progress_ani}; print STDERR $m->status_line; my $t = time - delete $self->{progress_start}; print STDERR " (${t}s)" if $t; print STDERR "\n"; } elsif ($status eq "tick") { print STDERR "$ANI[$self->{progress_ani}++]\b"; $self->{progress_ani} %= @ANI; } else { my $p = sprintf "%3.0f%%", $status * 100; return if $p eq $self->{progress_lastp}; print STDERR "$p\b\b\b\b"; $self->{progress_lastp} = $p; } STDERR->flush; } # # This whole allow/forbid thing is based on man 1 at's way of doing things. # sub is_protocol_supported { my($self, $scheme) = @_; if (ref $scheme) { # assume we got a reference to an URI object $scheme = $scheme->scheme; } else { Carp::croak("Illegal scheme '$scheme' passed to is_protocol_supported") if $scheme =~ /\W/; $scheme = lc $scheme; } my $x; if(ref($self) and $x = $self->protocols_allowed) { return 0 unless grep lc($_) eq $scheme, @$x; } elsif (ref($self) and $x = $self->protocols_forbidden) { return 0 if grep lc($_) eq $scheme, @$x; } local($SIG{__DIE__}); # protect against user defined die handlers $x = LWP::Protocol::implementor($scheme); return 1 if $x and $x ne 'LWP::Protocol::nogo'; return 0; } sub protocols_allowed { shift->_elem('protocols_allowed' , @_) } sub protocols_forbidden { shift->_elem('protocols_forbidden' , @_) } sub requests_redirectable { shift->_elem('requests_redirectable', @_) } sub redirect_ok { # RFC 2616, section 10.3.2 and 10.3.3 say: # If the 30[12] status code is received in response to a request other # than GET or HEAD, the user agent MUST NOT automatically redirect the # request unless it can be confirmed by the user, since this might # change the conditions under which the request was issued. # Note that this routine used to be just: # return 0 if $_[1]->method eq "POST"; return 1; my($self, $new_request, $response) = @_; my $method = $response->request->method; return 0 unless grep $_ eq $method, @{ $self->requests_redirectable || [] }; if ($new_request->uri->scheme eq 'file') { $response->header("Client-Warning" => "Can't redirect to a file:// URL!"); return 0; } # Otherwise it's apparently okay... return 1; } sub credentials { my $self = shift; my $netloc = lc(shift); my $realm = shift || ""; my $old = $self->{basic_authentication}{$netloc}{$realm}; if (@_) { $self->{basic_authentication}{$netloc}{$realm} = [@_]; } return unless $old; return @$old if wantarray; return join(":", @$old); } sub get_basic_credentials { my($self, $realm, $uri, $proxy) = @_; return if $proxy; return $self->credentials($uri->host_port, $realm); } sub timeout { shift->_elem('timeout', @_); } sub local_address{ shift->_elem('local_address',@_); } sub max_size { shift->_elem('max_size', @_); } sub max_redirect { shift->_elem('max_redirect', @_); } sub show_progress{ shift->_elem('show_progress', @_); } sub ssl_opts { my $self = shift; if (@_ == 1) { my $k = shift; return $self->{ssl_opts}{$k}; } if (@_) { my $old; while (@_) { my($k, $v) = splice(@_, 0, 2); $old = $self->{ssl_opts}{$k} unless @_; if (defined $v) { $self->{ssl_opts}{$k} = $v; } else { delete $self->{ssl_opts}{$k}; } } %{$self->{ssl_opts}} = (%{$self->{ssl_opts}}, @_); return $old; } return keys %{$self->{ssl_opts}}; } sub parse_head { my $self = shift; if (@_) { my $flag = shift; my $parser; my $old = $self->set_my_handler("response_header", $flag ? sub { my($response, $ua) = @_; require HTML::HeadParser; $parser = HTML::HeadParser->new; $parser->xml_mode(1) if $response->content_is_xhtml; $parser->utf8_mode(1) if $] >= 5.008 && $HTML::Parser::VERSION >= 3.40; push(@{$response->{handlers}{response_data}}, { callback => sub { return unless $parser; unless ($parser->parse($_[3])) { my $h = $parser->header; my $r = $_[0]; for my $f ($h->header_field_names) { $r->init_header($f, [$h->header($f)]); } undef($parser); } }, }); } : undef, m_media_type => "html", ); return !!$old; } else { return !!$self->get_my_handler("response_header"); } } sub cookie_jar { my $self = shift; my $old = $self->{cookie_jar}; if (@_) { my $jar = shift; if (ref($jar) eq "HASH") { require HTTP::Cookies; $jar = HTTP::Cookies->new(%$jar); } $self->{cookie_jar} = $jar; $self->set_my_handler("request_prepare", $jar ? sub { $jar->add_cookie_header($_[0]); } : undef, ); $self->set_my_handler("response_done", $jar ? sub { $jar->extract_cookies($_[0]); } : undef, ); } $old; } sub default_headers { my $self = shift; my $old = $self->{def_headers} ||= HTTP::Headers->new; if (@_) { Carp::croak("default_headers not set to HTTP::Headers compatible object") unless @_ == 1 && $_[0]->can("header_field_names"); $self->{def_headers} = shift; } return $old; } sub default_header { my $self = shift; return $self->default_headers->header(@_); } sub _agent { "libwww-perl/$LWP::VERSION" } sub agent { my $self = shift; if (@_) { my $agent = shift; if ($agent) { $agent .= $self->_agent if $agent =~ /\s+$/; } else { undef($agent) } return $self->default_header("User-Agent", $agent); } return $self->default_header("User-Agent"); } sub from { # legacy my $self = shift; return $self->default_header("From", @_); } sub conn_cache { my $self = shift; my $old = $self->{conn_cache}; if (@_) { my $cache = shift; if (ref($cache) eq "HASH") { require LWP::ConnCache; $cache = LWP::ConnCache->new(%$cache); } $self->{conn_cache} = $cache; } $old; } sub add_handler { my($self, $phase, $cb, %spec) = @_; $spec{line} ||= join(":", (caller)[1,2]); my $conf = $self->{handlers}{$phase} ||= do { require HTTP::Config; HTTP::Config->new; }; $conf->add(%spec, callback => $cb); } sub set_my_handler { my($self, $phase, $cb, %spec) = @_; $spec{owner} = (caller(1))[3] unless exists $spec{owner}; $self->remove_handler($phase, %spec); $spec{line} ||= join(":", (caller)[1,2]); $self->add_handler($phase, $cb, %spec) if $cb; } sub get_my_handler { my $self = shift; my $phase = shift; my $init = pop if @_ % 2; my %spec = @_; my $conf = $self->{handlers}{$phase}; unless ($conf) { return unless $init; require HTTP::Config; $conf = $self->{handlers}{$phase} = HTTP::Config->new; } $spec{owner} = (caller(1))[3] unless exists $spec{owner}; my @h = $conf->find(%spec); if (!@h && $init) { if (ref($init) eq "CODE") { $init->(\%spec); } elsif (ref($init) eq "HASH") { while (my($k, $v) = each %$init) { $spec{$k} = $v; } } $spec{callback} ||= sub {}; $spec{line} ||= join(":", (caller)[1,2]); $conf->add(\%spec); return \%spec; } return wantarray ? @h : $h[0]; } sub remove_handler { my($self, $phase, %spec) = @_; if ($phase) { my $conf = $self->{handlers}{$phase} || return; my @h = $conf->remove(%spec); delete $self->{handlers}{$phase} if $conf->empty; return @h; } return unless $self->{handlers}; return map $self->remove_handler($_), sort keys %{$self->{handlers}}; } sub handlers { my($self, $phase, $o) = @_; my @h; if ($o->{handlers} && $o->{handlers}{$phase}) { push(@h, @{$o->{handlers}{$phase}}); } if (my $conf = $self->{handlers}{$phase}) { push(@h, $conf->matching($o)); } return @h; } sub run_handlers { my($self, $phase, $o) = @_; if (defined(wantarray)) { for my $h ($self->handlers($phase, $o)) { my $ret = $h->{callback}->($o, $self, $h); return $ret if $ret; } return undef; } for my $h ($self->handlers($phase, $o)) { $h->{callback}->($o, $self, $h); } } # deprecated sub use_eval { shift->_elem('use_eval', @_); } sub use_alarm { Carp::carp("LWP::UserAgent->use_alarm(BOOL) is a no-op") if @_ > 1 && $^W; ""; } sub clone { my $self = shift; my $copy = bless { %$self }, ref $self; # copy most fields delete $copy->{handlers}; delete $copy->{conn_cache}; # copy any plain arrays and hashes; known not to need recursive copy for my $k (qw(proxy no_proxy requests_redirectable ssl_opts)) { next unless $copy->{$k}; if (ref($copy->{$k}) eq "ARRAY") { $copy->{$k} = [ @{$copy->{$k}} ]; } elsif (ref($copy->{$k}) eq "HASH") { $copy->{$k} = { %{$copy->{$k}} }; } } if ($self->{def_headers}) { $copy->{def_headers} = $self->{def_headers}->clone; } # re-enable standard handlers $copy->parse_head($self->parse_head); # no easy way to clone the cookie jar; so let's just remove it for now $copy->cookie_jar(undef); $copy; } sub mirror { my($self, $url, $file) = @_; my $request = HTTP::Request->new('GET', $url); # If the file exists, add a cache-related header if ( -e $file ) { my ($mtime) = ( stat($file) )[9]; if ($mtime) { $request->header( 'If-Modified-Since' => HTTP::Date::time2str($mtime) ); } } my $tmpfile = "$file-$$"; my $response = $self->request($request, $tmpfile); if ( $response->header('X-Died') ) { die $response->header('X-Died'); } # Only fetching a fresh copy of the would be considered success. # If the file was not modified, "304" would returned, which # is considered by HTTP::Status to be a "redirect", /not/ "success" if ( $response->is_success ) { my @stat = stat($tmpfile) or die "Could not stat tmpfile '$tmpfile': $!"; my $file_length = $stat[7]; my ($content_length) = $response->header('Content-length'); if ( defined $content_length and $file_length < $content_length ) { unlink($tmpfile); die "Transfer truncated: " . "only $file_length out of $content_length bytes received\n"; } elsif ( defined $content_length and $file_length > $content_length ) { unlink($tmpfile); die "Content-length mismatch: " . "expected $content_length bytes, got $file_length\n"; } # The file was the expected length. else { # Replace the stale file with a fresh copy if ( -e $file ) { # Some dosish systems fail to rename if the target exists chmod 0777, $file; unlink $file; } rename( $tmpfile, $file ) or die "Cannot rename '$tmpfile' to '$file': $!\n"; # make sure the file has the same last modification time if ( my $lm = $response->last_modified ) { utime $lm, $lm, $file; } } } # The local copy is fresh enough, so just delete the temp file else { unlink($tmpfile); } return $response; } sub _need_proxy { my($req, $ua) = @_; return if exists $req->{proxy}; my $proxy = $ua->{proxy}{$req->uri->scheme} || return; if ($ua->{no_proxy}) { if (my $host = eval { $req->uri->host }) { for my $domain (@{$ua->{no_proxy}}) { if ($host =~ /\Q$domain\E$/) { return; } } } } $req->{proxy} = $HTTP::URI_CLASS->new($proxy); } sub proxy { my $self = shift; my $key = shift; return map $self->proxy($_, @_), @$key if ref $key; Carp::croak("'$key' is not a valid URI scheme") unless $key =~ /^$URI::scheme_re\z/; my $old = $self->{'proxy'}{$key}; if (@_) { my $url = shift; if (defined($url) && length($url)) { Carp::croak("Proxy must be specified as absolute URI; '$url' is not") unless $url =~ /^$URI::scheme_re:/; Carp::croak("Bad http proxy specification '$url'") if $url =~ /^https?:/ && $url !~ m,^https?://\w,; } $self->{proxy}{$key} = $url; $self->set_my_handler("request_preprepare", \&_need_proxy) } return $old; } sub env_proxy { my ($self) = @_; require Encode; require Encode::Locale; my($k,$v); while(($k, $v) = each %ENV) { if ($ENV{REQUEST_METHOD}) { # Need to be careful when called in the CGI environment, as # the HTTP_PROXY variable is under control of that other guy. next if $k =~ /^HTTP_/; $k = "HTTP_PROXY" if $k eq "CGI_HTTP_PROXY"; } $k = lc($k); next unless $k =~ /^(.*)_proxy$/; $k = $1; if ($k eq 'no') { $self->no_proxy(split(/\s*,\s*/, $v)); } else { # Ignore random _proxy variables, allow only valid schemes next unless $k =~ /^$URI::scheme_re\z/; # Ignore xxx_proxy variables if xxx isn't a supported protocol next unless LWP::Protocol::implementor($k); $self->proxy($k, Encode::decode(locale => $v)); } } } sub no_proxy { my($self, @no) = @_; if (@no) { push(@{ $self->{'no_proxy'} }, @no); } else { $self->{'no_proxy'} = []; } } sub _new_response { my($request, $code, $message, $content) = @_; $message ||= HTTP::Status::status_message($code); my $response = HTTP::Response->new($code, $message); $response->request($request); $response->header("Client-Date" => HTTP::Date::time2str(time)); $response->header("Client-Warning" => "Internal response"); $response->header("Content-Type" => "text/plain"); $response->content($content || "$code $message\n"); return $response; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME LWP::UserAgent - Web user agent class =head1 SYNOPSIS require LWP::UserAgent; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->timeout(10); $ua->env_proxy; my $response = $ua->get('http://search.cpan.org/'); if ($response->is_success) { print $response->decoded_content; # or whatever } else { die $response->status_line; } =head1 DESCRIPTION The C<LWP::UserAgent> is a class implementing a web user agent. C<LWP::UserAgent> objects can be used to dispatch web requests. In normal use the application creates an C<LWP::UserAgent> object, and then configures it with values for timeouts, proxies, name, etc. It then creates an instance of C<HTTP::Request> for the request that needs to be performed. This request is then passed to one of the request method the UserAgent, which dispatches it using the relevant protocol, and returns a C<HTTP::Response> object. There are convenience methods for sending the most common request types: get(), head(), post(), put() and delete(). When using these methods then the creation of the request object is hidden as shown in the synopsis above. The basic approach of the library is to use HTTP style communication for all protocol schemes. This means that you will construct C<HTTP::Request> objects and receive C<HTTP::Response> objects even for non-HTTP resources like I<gopher> and I<ftp>. In order to achieve even more similarity to HTTP style communications, gopher menus and file directories are converted to HTML documents. =head1 CONSTRUCTOR METHODS The following constructor methods are available: =over 4 =item $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( %options ) This method constructs a new C<LWP::UserAgent> object and returns it. Key/value pair arguments may be provided to set up the initial state. The following options correspond to attribute methods described below: KEY DEFAULT ----------- -------------------- agent "libwww-perl/#.###" from undef conn_cache undef cookie_jar undef default_headers HTTP::Headers->new local_address undef ssl_opts { verify_hostname => 1 } max_size undef max_redirect 7 parse_head 1 protocols_allowed undef protocols_forbidden undef requests_redirectable ['GET', 'HEAD'] timeout 180 The following additional options are also accepted: If the C<env_proxy> option is passed in with a TRUE value, then proxy settings are read from environment variables (see env_proxy() method below). If C<env_proxy> isn't provided the C<PERL_LWP_ENV_PROXY> environment variable controls if env_proxy() is called during initialization. If the C<keep_alive> option is passed in, then a C<LWP::ConnCache> is set up (see conn_cache() method below). The C<keep_alive> value is passed on as the C<total_capacity> for the connection cache. =item $ua->clone Returns a copy of the LWP::UserAgent object. =back =head1 ATTRIBUTES The settings of the configuration attributes modify the behaviour of the C<LWP::UserAgent> when it dispatches requests. Most of these can also be initialized by options passed to the constructor method. The following attribute methods are provided. The attribute value is left unchanged if no argument is given. The return value from each method is the old attribute value. =over =item $ua->agent =item $ua->agent( $product_id ) Get/set the product token that is used to identify the user agent on the network. The agent value is sent as the "User-Agent" header in the requests. The default is the string returned by the _agent() method (see below). If the $product_id ends with space then the _agent() string is appended to it. The user agent string should be one or more simple product identifiers with an optional version number separated by the "/" character. Examples are: $ua->agent('Checkbot/0.4 ' . $ua->_agent); $ua->agent('Checkbot/0.4 '); # same as above $ua->agent('Mozilla/5.0'); $ua->agent(""); # don't identify =item $ua->_agent Returns the default agent identifier. This is a string of the form "libwww-perl/#.###", where "#.###" is substituted with the version number of this library. =item $ua->from =item $ua->from( $email_address ) Get/set the e-mail address for the human user who controls the requesting user agent. The address should be machine-usable, as defined in RFC 822. The C<from> value is send as the "From" header in the requests. Example: $ua->from('gaas@cpan.org'); The default is to not send a "From" header. See the default_headers() method for the more general interface that allow any header to be defaulted. =item $ua->cookie_jar =item $ua->cookie_jar( $cookie_jar_obj ) Get/set the cookie jar object to use. The only requirement is that the cookie jar object must implement the extract_cookies($request) and add_cookie_header($response) methods. These methods will then be invoked by the user agent as requests are sent and responses are received. Normally this will be a C<HTTP::Cookies> object or some subclass. The default is to have no cookie_jar, i.e. never automatically add "Cookie" headers to the requests. Shortcut: If a reference to a plain hash is passed in as the $cookie_jar_object, then it is replaced with an instance of C<HTTP::Cookies> that is initialized based on the hash. This form also automatically loads the C<HTTP::Cookies> module. It means that: $ua->cookie_jar({ file => "$ENV{HOME}/.cookies.txt" }); is really just a shortcut for: require HTTP::Cookies; $ua->cookie_jar(HTTP::Cookies->new(file => "$ENV{HOME}/.cookies.txt")); =item $ua->default_headers =item $ua->default_headers( $headers_obj ) Get/set the headers object that will provide default header values for any requests sent. By default this will be an empty C<HTTP::Headers> object. =item $ua->default_header( $field ) =item $ua->default_header( $field => $value ) This is just a short-cut for $ua->default_headers->header( $field => $value ). Example: $ua->default_header('Accept-Encoding' => scalar HTTP::Message::decodable()); $ua->default_header('Accept-Language' => "no, en"); =item $ua->conn_cache =item $ua->conn_cache( $cache_obj ) Get/set the C<LWP::ConnCache> object to use. See L<LWP::ConnCache> for details. =item $ua->credentials( $netloc, $realm ) =item $ua->credentials( $netloc, $realm, $uname, $pass ) Get/set the user name and password to be used for a realm. The $netloc is a string of the form "<host>:<port>". The username and password will only be passed to this server. Example: $ua->credentials("www.example.com:80", "Some Realm", "foo", "secret"); =item $ua->local_address =item $ua->local_address( $address ) Get/set the local interface to bind to for network connections. The interface can be specified as a hostname or an IP address. This value is passed as the C<LocalAddr> argument to L<IO::Socket::INET>. =item $ua->max_size =item $ua->max_size( $bytes ) Get/set the size limit for response content. The default is C<undef>, which means that there is no limit. If the returned response content is only partial, because the size limit was exceeded, then a "Client-Aborted" header will be added to the response. The content might end up longer than C<max_size> as we abort once appending a chunk of data makes the length exceed the limit. The "Content-Length" header, if present, will indicate the length of the full content and will normally not be the same as C<< length($res->content) >>. =item $ua->max_redirect =item $ua->max_redirect( $n ) This reads or sets the object's limit of how many times it will obey redirection responses in a given request cycle. By default, the value is 7. This means that if you call request() method and the response is a redirect elsewhere which is in turn a redirect, and so on seven times, then LWP gives up after that seventh request. =item $ua->parse_head =item $ua->parse_head( $boolean ) Get/set a value indicating whether we should initialize response headers from the E<lt>head> section of HTML documents. The default is TRUE. Do not turn this off, unless you know what you are doing. =item $ua->protocols_allowed =item $ua->protocols_allowed( \@protocols ) This reads (or sets) this user agent's list of protocols that the request methods will exclusively allow. The protocol names are case insensitive. For example: C<$ua-E<gt>protocols_allowed( [ 'http', 'https'] );> means that this user agent will I<allow only> those protocols, and attempts to use this user agent to access URLs with any other schemes (like "ftp://...") will result in a 500 error. To delete the list, call: C<$ua-E<gt>protocols_allowed(undef)> By default, an object has neither a C<protocols_allowed> list, nor a C<protocols_forbidden> list. Note that having a C<protocols_allowed> list causes any C<protocols_forbidden> list to be ignored. =item $ua->protocols_forbidden =item $ua->protocols_forbidden( \@protocols ) This reads (or sets) this user agent's list of protocols that the request method will I<not> allow. The protocol names are case insensitive. For example: C<$ua-E<gt>protocols_forbidden( [ 'file', 'mailto'] );> means that this user agent will I<not> allow those protocols, and attempts to use this user agent to access URLs with those schemes will result in a 500 error. To delete the list, call: C<$ua-E<gt>protocols_forbidden(undef)> =item $ua->requests_redirectable =item $ua->requests_redirectable( \@requests ) This reads or sets the object's list of request names that C<$ua-E<gt>redirect_ok(...)> will allow redirection for. By default, this is C<['GET', 'HEAD']>, as per RFC 2616. To change to include 'POST', consider: push @{ $ua->requests_redirectable }, 'POST'; =item $ua->show_progress =item $ua->show_progress( $boolean ) Get/set a value indicating whether a progress bar should be displayed on on the terminal as requests are processed. The default is FALSE. =item $ua->timeout =item $ua->timeout( $secs ) Get/set the timeout value in seconds. The default timeout() value is 180 seconds, i.e. 3 minutes. The requests is aborted if no activity on the connection to the server is observed for C<timeout> seconds. This means that the time it takes for the complete transaction and the request() method to actually return might be longer. =item $ua->ssl_opts =item $ua->ssl_opts( $key ) =item $ua->ssl_opts( $key => $value ) Get/set the options for SSL connections. Without argument return the list of options keys currently set. With a single argument return the current value for the given option. With 2 arguments set the option value and return the old. Setting an option to the value C<undef> removes this option. The options that LWP relates to are: =over =item C<verify_hostname> => $bool When TRUE LWP will for secure protocol schemes ensure it connects to servers that have a valid certificate matching the expected hostname. If FALSE no checks are made and you can't be sure that you communicate with the expected peer. The no checks behaviour was the default for libwww-perl-5.837 and earlier releases. This option is initialized from the L<PERL_LWP_SSL_VERIFY_HOSTNAME> environment variable. If this environment variable isn't set; then C<verify_hostname> defaults to 1. =item C<SSL_ca_file> => $path The path to a file containing Certificate Authority certificates. A default setting for this option is provided by checking the environment variables C<PERL_LWP_SSL_CA_FILE> and C<HTTPS_CA_FILE> in order. =item C<SSL_ca_path> => $path The path to a directory containing files containing Certificate Authority certificates. A default setting for this option is provided by checking the environment variables C<PERL_LWP_SSL_CA_PATH> and C<HTTPS_CA_DIR> in order. =back Other options can be set and are processed directly by the SSL Socket implementation in use. See L<IO::Socket::SSL> or L<Net::SSL> for details. The libwww-perl core no longer bundles protocol plugins for SSL. You will need to install L<LWP::Protocol::https> separately to enable support for processing https-URLs. =back =head2 Proxy attributes The following methods set up when requests should be passed via a proxy server. =over =item $ua->proxy(\@schemes, $proxy_url) =item $ua->proxy($scheme, $proxy_url) Set/retrieve proxy URL for a scheme: $ua->proxy(['http', 'ftp'], 'http://proxy.sn.no:8001/'); $ua->proxy('gopher', 'http://proxy.sn.no:8001/'); The first form specifies that the URL is to be used for proxying of access methods listed in the list in the first method argument, i.e. 'http' and 'ftp'. The second form shows a shorthand form for specifying proxy URL for a single access scheme. =item $ua->no_proxy( $domain, ... ) Do not proxy requests to the given domains. Calling no_proxy without any domains clears the list of domains. Eg: $ua->no_proxy('localhost', 'example.com'); =item $ua->env_proxy Load proxy settings from *_proxy environment variables. You might specify proxies like this (sh-syntax): gopher_proxy=http://proxy.my.place/ wais_proxy=http://proxy.my.place/ no_proxy="localhost,example.com" export gopher_proxy wais_proxy no_proxy csh or tcsh users should use the C<setenv> command to define these environment variables. On systems with case insensitive environment variables there exists a name clash between the CGI environment variables and the C<HTTP_PROXY> environment variable normally picked up by env_proxy(). Because of this C<HTTP_PROXY> is not honored for CGI scripts. The C<CGI_HTTP_PROXY> environment variable can be used instead. =back =head2 Handlers Handlers are code that injected at various phases during the processing of requests. The following methods are provided to manage the active handlers: =over =item $ua->add_handler( $phase => \&cb, %matchspec ) Add handler to be invoked in the given processing phase. For how to specify %matchspec see L<HTTP::Config/"Matching">. The possible values $phase and the corresponding callback signatures are: =over =item request_preprepare => sub { my($request, $ua, $h) = @_; ... } The handler is called before the C<request_prepare> and other standard initialization of of the request. This can be used to set up headers and attributes that the C<request_prepare> handler depends on. Proxy initialization should take place here; but in general don't register handlers for this phase. =item request_prepare => sub { my($request, $ua, $h) = @_; ... } The handler is called before the request is sent and can modify the request any way it see fit. This can for instance be used to add certain headers to specific requests. The method can assign a new request object to $_[0] to replace the request that is sent fully. The return value from the callback is ignored. If an exception is raised it will abort the request and make the request method return a "400 Bad request" response. =item request_send => sub { my($request, $ua, $h) = @_; ... } This handler gets a chance of handling requests before they're sent to the protocol handlers. It should return an HTTP::Response object if it wishes to terminate the processing; otherwise it should return nothing. The C<response_header> and C<response_data> handlers will not be invoked for this response, but the C<response_done> will be. =item response_header => sub { my($response, $ua, $h) = @_; ... } This handler is called right after the response headers have been received, but before any content data. The handler might set up handlers for data and might croak to abort the request. The handler might set the $response->{default_add_content} value to control if any received data should be added to the response object directly. This will initially be false if the $ua->request() method was called with a $content_file or $content_cb argument; otherwise true. =item response_data => sub { my($response, $ua, $h, $data) = @_; ... } This handler is called for each chunk of data received for the response. The handler might croak to abort the request. This handler needs to return a TRUE value to be called again for subsequent chunks for the same request. =item response_done => sub { my($response, $ua, $h) = @_; ... } The handler is called after the response has been fully received, but before any redirect handling is attempted. The handler can be used to extract information or modify the response. =item response_redirect => sub { my($response, $ua, $h) = @_; ... } The handler is called in $ua->request after C<response_done>. If the handler returns an HTTP::Request object we'll start over with processing this request instead. =back =item $ua->remove_handler( undef, %matchspec ) =item $ua->remove_handler( $phase, %matchspec ) Remove handlers that match the given %matchspec. If $phase is not provided remove handlers from all phases. Be careful as calling this function with %matchspec that is not not specific enough can remove handlers not owned by you. It's probably better to use the set_my_handler() method instead. The removed handlers are returned. =item $ua->set_my_handler( $phase, $cb, %matchspec ) Set handlers private to the executing subroutine. Works by defaulting an C<owner> field to the %matchspec that holds the name of the called subroutine. You might pass an explicit C<owner> to override this. If $cb is passed as C<undef>, remove the handler. =item $ua->get_my_handler( $phase, %matchspec ) =item $ua->get_my_handler( $phase, %matchspec, $init ) Will retrieve the matching handler as hash ref. If C<$init> is passed passed as a TRUE value, create and add the handler if it's not found. If $init is a subroutine reference, then it's called with the created handler hash as argument. This sub might populate the hash with extra fields; especially the callback. If $init is a hash reference, merge the hashes. =item $ua->handlers( $phase, $request ) =item $ua->handlers( $phase, $response ) Returns the handlers that apply to the given request or response at the given processing phase. =back =head1 REQUEST METHODS The methods described in this section are used to dispatch requests via the user agent. The following request methods are provided: =over =item $ua->get( $url ) =item $ua->get( $url , $field_name => $value, ... ) This method will dispatch a C<GET> request on the given $url. Further arguments can be given to initialize the headers of the request. These are given as separate name/value pairs. The return value is a response object. See L<HTTP::Response> for a description of the interface it provides. There will still be a response object returned when LWP can't connect to the server specified in the URL or when other failures in protocol handlers occur. These internal responses use the standard HTTP status codes, so the responses can't be differentiated by testing the response status code alone. Error responses that LWP generates internally will have the "Client-Warning" header set to the value "Internal response". If you need to differentiate these internal responses from responses that a remote server actually generates, you need to test this header value. Fields names that start with ":" are special. These will not initialize headers of the request but will determine how the response content is treated. The following special field names are recognized: :content_file => $filename :content_cb => \&callback :read_size_hint => $bytes If a $filename is provided with the C<:content_file> option, then the response content will be saved here instead of in the response object. If a callback is provided with the C<:content_cb> option then this function will be called for each chunk of the response content as it is received from the server. If neither of these options are given, then the response content will accumulate in the response object itself. This might not be suitable for very large response bodies. Only one of C<:content_file> or C<:content_cb> can be specified. The content of unsuccessful responses will always accumulate in the response object itself, regardless of the C<:content_file> or C<:content_cb> options passed in. The C<:read_size_hint> option is passed to the protocol module which will try to read data from the server in chunks of this size. A smaller value for the C<:read_size_hint> will result in a higher number of callback invocations. The callback function is called with 3 arguments: a chunk of data, a reference to the response object, and a reference to the protocol object. The callback can abort the request by invoking die(). The exception message will show up as the "X-Died" header field in the response returned by the get() function. =item $ua->head( $url ) =item $ua->head( $url , $field_name => $value, ... ) This method will dispatch a C<HEAD> request on the given $url. Otherwise it works like the get() method described above. =item $ua->post( $url, \%form ) =item $ua->post( $url, \@form ) =item $ua->post( $url, \%form, $field_name => $value, ... ) =item $ua->post( $url, $field_name => $value,... Content => \%form ) =item $ua->post( $url, $field_name => $value,... Content => \@form ) =item $ua->post( $url, $field_name => $value,... Content => $content ) This method will dispatch a C<POST> request on the given $url, with %form or @form providing the key/value pairs for the fill-in form content. Additional headers and content options are the same as for the get() method. This method will use the POST() function from C<HTTP::Request::Common> to build the request. See L<HTTP::Request::Common> for a details on how to pass form content and other advanced features. =item $ua->put( $url, \%form ) =item $ua->put( $url, \@form ) =item $ua->put( $url, \%form, $field_name => $value, ... ) =item $ua->put( $url, $field_name => $value,... Content => \%form ) =item $ua->put( $url, $field_name => $value,... Content => \@form ) =item $ua->put( $url, $field_name => $value,... Content => $content ) This method will dispatch a C<PUT> request on the given $url, with %form or @form providing the key/value pairs for the fill-in form content. Additional headers and content options are the same as for the get() method. This method will use the PUT() function from C<HTTP::Request::Common> to build the request. See L<HTTP::Request::Common> for a details on how to pass form content and other advanced features. =item $ua->delete( $url ) =item $ua->delete( $url, $field_name => $value, ... ) This method will dispatch a C<DELETE> request on the given $url. Additional headers and content options are the same as for the get() method. This method will use the DELETE() function from C<HTTP::Request::Common> to build the request. See L<HTTP::Request::Common> for a details on how to pass form content and other advanced features. =item $ua->mirror( $url, $filename ) This method will get the document identified by $url and store it in file called $filename. If the file already exists, then the request will contain an "If-Modified-Since" header matching the modification time of the file. If the document on the server has not changed since this time, then nothing happens. If the document has been updated, it will be downloaded again. The modification time of the file will be forced to match that of the server. The return value is the the response object. =item $ua->request( $request ) =item $ua->request( $request, $content_file ) =item $ua->request( $request, $content_cb ) =item $ua->request( $request, $content_cb, $read_size_hint ) This method will dispatch the given $request object. Normally this will be an instance of the C<HTTP::Request> class, but any object with a similar interface will do. The return value is a response object. See L<HTTP::Request> and L<HTTP::Response> for a description of the interface provided by these classes. The request() method will process redirects and authentication responses transparently. This means that it may actually send several simple requests via the simple_request() method described below. The request methods described above; get(), head(), post() and mirror(), will all dispatch the request they build via this method. They are convenience methods that simply hides the creation of the request object for you. The $content_file, $content_cb and $read_size_hint all correspond to options described with the get() method above. You are allowed to use a CODE reference as C<content> in the request object passed in. The C<content> function should return the content when called. The content can be returned in chunks. The content function will be invoked repeatedly until it return an empty string to signal that there is no more content. =item $ua->simple_request( $request ) =item $ua->simple_request( $request, $content_file ) =item $ua->simple_request( $request, $content_cb ) =item $ua->simple_request( $request, $content_cb, $read_size_hint ) This method dispatches a single request and returns the response received. Arguments are the same as for request() described above. The difference from request() is that simple_request() will not try to handle redirects or authentication responses. The request() method will in fact invoke this method for each simple request it sends. =item $ua->is_online Tries to determine if you have access to the Internet. Returns TRUE if the built-in heuristics determine that the user agent is able to access the Internet (over HTTP). See also L<LWP::Online>. =item $ua->is_protocol_supported( $scheme ) You can use this method to test whether this user agent object supports the specified C<scheme>. (The C<scheme> might be a string (like 'http' or 'ftp') or it might be an URI object reference.) Whether a scheme is supported, is determined by the user agent's C<protocols_allowed> or C<protocols_forbidden> lists (if any), and by the capabilities of LWP. I.e., this will return TRUE only if LWP supports this protocol I<and> it's permitted for this particular object. =back =head2 Callback methods The following methods will be invoked as requests are processed. These methods are documented here because subclasses of C<LWP::UserAgent> might want to override their behaviour. =over =item $ua->prepare_request( $request ) This method is invoked by simple_request(). Its task is to modify the given $request object by setting up various headers based on the attributes of the user agent. The return value should normally be the $request object passed in. If a different request object is returned it will be the one actually processed. The headers affected by the base implementation are; "User-Agent", "From", "Range" and "Cookie". =item $ua->redirect_ok( $prospective_request, $response ) This method is called by request() before it tries to follow a redirection to the request in $response. This should return a TRUE value if this redirection is permissible. The $prospective_request will be the request to be sent if this method returns TRUE. The base implementation will return FALSE unless the method is in the object's C<requests_redirectable> list, FALSE if the proposed redirection is to a "file://..." URL, and TRUE otherwise. =item $ua->get_basic_credentials( $realm, $uri, $isproxy ) This is called by request() to retrieve credentials for documents protected by Basic or Digest Authentication. The arguments passed in is the $realm provided by the server, the $uri requested and a boolean flag to indicate if this is authentication against a proxy server. The method should return a username and password. It should return an empty list to abort the authentication resolution attempt. Subclasses can override this method to prompt the user for the information. An example of this can be found in C<lwp-request> program distributed with this library. The base implementation simply checks a set of pre-stored member variables, set up with the credentials() method. =item $ua->progress( $status, $request_or_response ) This is called frequently as the response is received regardless of how the content is processed. The method is called with $status "begin" at the start of processing the request and with $state "end" before the request method returns. In between these $status will be the fraction of the response currently received or the string "tick" if the fraction can't be calculated. When $status is "begin" the second argument is the request object, otherwise it is the response object. =back =head1 SEE ALSO See L<LWP> for a complete overview of libwww-perl5. See L<lwpcook> and the scripts F<lwp-request> and F<lwp-download> for examples of usage. See L<HTTP::Request> and L<HTTP::Response> for a description of the message objects dispatched and received. See L<HTTP::Request::Common> and L<HTML::Form> for other ways to build request objects. See L<WWW::Mechanize> and L<WWW::Search> for examples of more specialized user agents based on C<LWP::UserAgent>. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 1995-2009 Gisle Aas. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. Protocol.pm 0000644 00000017352 14711200630 0006705 0 ustar 00 package LWP::Protocol; require LWP::MemberMixin; @ISA = qw(LWP::MemberMixin); $VERSION = "6.00"; use strict; use Carp (); use HTTP::Status (); use HTTP::Response; my %ImplementedBy = (); # scheme => classname sub new { my($class, $scheme, $ua) = @_; my $self = bless { scheme => $scheme, ua => $ua, # historical/redundant max_size => $ua->{max_size}, }, $class; $self; } sub create { my($scheme, $ua) = @_; my $impclass = LWP::Protocol::implementor($scheme) or Carp::croak("Protocol scheme '$scheme' is not supported"); # hand-off to scheme specific implementation sub-class my $protocol = $impclass->new($scheme, $ua); return $protocol; } sub implementor { my($scheme, $impclass) = @_; if ($impclass) { $ImplementedBy{$scheme} = $impclass; } my $ic = $ImplementedBy{$scheme}; return $ic if $ic; return '' unless $scheme =~ /^([.+\-\w]+)$/; # check valid URL schemes $scheme = $1; # untaint $scheme =~ s/[.+\-]/_/g; # make it a legal module name # scheme not yet known, look for a 'use'd implementation $ic = "LWP::Protocol::$scheme"; # default location $ic = "LWP::Protocol::nntp" if $scheme eq 'news'; #XXX ugly hack no strict 'refs'; # check we actually have one for the scheme: unless (@{"${ic}::ISA"}) { # try to autoload it eval "require $ic"; if ($@) { if ($@ =~ /Can't locate/) { #' #emacs get confused by ' $ic = ''; } else { die "$@\n"; } } } $ImplementedBy{$scheme} = $ic if $ic; $ic; } sub request { my($self, $request, $proxy, $arg, $size, $timeout) = @_; Carp::croak('LWP::Protocol::request() needs to be overridden in subclasses'); } # legacy sub timeout { shift->_elem('timeout', @_); } sub max_size { shift->_elem('max_size', @_); } sub collect { my ($self, $arg, $response, $collector) = @_; my $content; my($ua, $max_size) = @{$self}{qw(ua max_size)}; eval { local $\; # protect the print below from surprises if (!defined($arg) || !$response->is_success) { $response->{default_add_content} = 1; } elsif (!ref($arg) && length($arg)) { open(my $fh, ">", $arg) or die "Can't write to '$arg': $!"; binmode($fh); push(@{$response->{handlers}{response_data}}, { callback => sub { print $fh $_[3] or die "Can't write to '$arg': $!"; 1; }, }); push(@{$response->{handlers}{response_done}}, { callback => sub { close($fh) or die "Can't write to '$arg': $!"; undef($fh); }, }); } elsif (ref($arg) eq 'CODE') { push(@{$response->{handlers}{response_data}}, { callback => sub { &$arg($_[3], $_[0], $self); 1; }, }); } else { die "Unexpected collect argument '$arg'"; } $ua->run_handlers("response_header", $response); if (delete $response->{default_add_content}) { push(@{$response->{handlers}{response_data}}, { callback => sub { $_[0]->add_content($_[3]); 1; }, }); } my $content_size = 0; my $length = $response->content_length; my %skip_h; while ($content = &$collector, length $$content) { for my $h ($ua->handlers("response_data", $response)) { next if $skip_h{$h}; unless ($h->{callback}->($response, $ua, $h, $$content)) { # XXX remove from $response->{handlers}{response_data} if present $skip_h{$h}++; } } $content_size += length($$content); $ua->progress(($length ? ($content_size / $length) : "tick"), $response); if (defined($max_size) && $content_size > $max_size) { $response->push_header("Client-Aborted", "max_size"); last; } } }; my $err = $@; delete $response->{handlers}{response_data}; delete $response->{handlers} unless %{$response->{handlers}}; if ($err) { chomp($err); $response->push_header('X-Died' => $err); $response->push_header("Client-Aborted", "die"); return $response; } return $response; } sub collect_once { my($self, $arg, $response) = @_; my $content = \ $_[3]; my $first = 1; $self->collect($arg, $response, sub { return $content if $first--; return \ ""; }); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME LWP::Protocol - Base class for LWP protocols =head1 SYNOPSIS package LWP::Protocol::foo; require LWP::Protocol; @ISA=qw(LWP::Protocol); =head1 DESCRIPTION This class is used a the base class for all protocol implementations supported by the LWP library. When creating an instance of this class using C<LWP::Protocol::create($url)>, and you get an initialised subclass appropriate for that access method. In other words, the LWP::Protocol::create() function calls the constructor for one of its subclasses. All derived LWP::Protocol classes need to override the request() method which is used to service a request. The overridden method can make use of the collect() function to collect together chunks of data as it is received. The following methods and functions are provided: =over 4 =item $prot = LWP::Protocol->new() The LWP::Protocol constructor is inherited by subclasses. As this is a virtual base class this method should B<not> be called directly. =item $prot = LWP::Protocol::create($scheme) Create an object of the class implementing the protocol to handle the given scheme. This is a function, not a method. It is more an object factory than a constructor. This is the function user agents should use to access protocols. =item $class = LWP::Protocol::implementor($scheme, [$class]) Get and/or set implementor class for a scheme. Returns '' if the specified scheme is not supported. =item $prot->request(...) $response = $protocol->request($request, $proxy, undef); $response = $protocol->request($request, $proxy, '/tmp/sss'); $response = $protocol->request($request, $proxy, \&callback, 1024); Dispatches a request over the protocol, and returns a response object. This method needs to be overridden in subclasses. Refer to L<LWP::UserAgent> for description of the arguments. =item $prot->collect($arg, $response, $collector) Called to collect the content of a request, and process it appropriately into a scalar, file, or by calling a callback. If $arg is undefined, then the content is stored within the $response. If $arg is a simple scalar, then $arg is interpreted as a file name and the content is written to this file. If $arg is a reference to a routine, then content is passed to this routine. The $collector is a routine that will be called and which is responsible for returning pieces (as ref to scalar) of the content to process. The $collector signals EOF by returning a reference to an empty sting. The return value from collect() is the $response object reference. B<Note:> We will only use the callback or file argument if $response->is_success(). This avoids sending content data for redirects and authentication responses to the callback which would be confusing. =item $prot->collect_once($arg, $response, $content) Can be called when the whole response content is available as $content. This will invoke collect() with a collector callback that returns a reference to $content the first time and an empty string the next. =back =head1 SEE ALSO Inspect the F<LWP/Protocol/file.pm> and F<LWP/Protocol/http.pm> files for examples of usage. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 1995-2001 Gisle Aas. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. DebugFile.pm 0000644 00000000053 14711200630 0006720 0 ustar 00 package LWP::DebugFile; # legacy stub 1; Protocol/loopback.pm 0000644 00000001131 14711200630 0010463 0 ustar 00 package LWP::Protocol::loopback; use strict; use vars qw(@ISA); require HTTP::Response; require LWP::Protocol; @ISA = qw(LWP::Protocol); sub request { my($self, $request, $proxy, $arg, $size, $timeout) = @_; my $response = HTTP::Response->new(200, "OK"); $response->content_type("message/http; msgtype=request"); $response->header("Via", "loopback/1.0 $proxy") if $proxy; $response->header("X-Arg", $arg); $response->header("X-Read-Size", $size); $response->header("X-Timeout", $timeout); return $self->collect_once($arg, $response, $request->as_string); } 1; Protocol/nntp.pm 0000644 00000007441 14711200630 0007662 0 ustar 00 package LWP::Protocol::nntp; # Implementation of the Network News Transfer Protocol (RFC 977) require LWP::Protocol; @ISA = qw(LWP::Protocol); require HTTP::Response; require HTTP::Status; require Net::NNTP; use strict; sub request { my($self, $request, $proxy, $arg, $size, $timeout) = @_; $size = 4096 unless $size; # Check for proxy if (defined $proxy) { return HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_BAD_REQUEST, 'You can not proxy through NNTP'); } # Check that the scheme is as expected my $url = $request->uri; my $scheme = $url->scheme; unless ($scheme eq 'news' || $scheme eq 'nntp') { return HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "LWP::Protocol::nntp::request called for '$scheme'"); } # check for a valid method my $method = $request->method; unless ($method eq 'GET' || $method eq 'HEAD' || $method eq 'POST') { return HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_BAD_REQUEST, 'Library does not allow method ' . "$method for '$scheme:' URLs"); } # extract the identifier and check against posting to an article my $groupart = $url->_group; my $is_art = $groupart =~ /@/; if ($is_art && $method eq 'POST') { return HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_BAD_REQUEST, "Can't post to an article <$groupart>"); } my $nntp = Net::NNTP->new($url->host, #Port => 18574, Timeout => $timeout, #Debug => 1, ); die "Can't connect to nntp server" unless $nntp; # Check the initial welcome message from the NNTP server if ($nntp->status != 2) { return HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, $nntp->message); } my $response = HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_OK, "OK"); my $mess = $nntp->message; # Try to extract server name from greeting message. # Don't know if this works well for a large class of servers, but # this works for our server. $mess =~ s/\s+ready\b.*//; $mess =~ s/^\S+\s+//; $response->header(Server => $mess); # First we handle posting of articles if ($method eq 'POST') { $nntp->quit; $nntp = undef; $response->code(&HTTP::Status::RC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); $response->message("POST not implemented yet"); return $response; } # The method must be "GET" or "HEAD" by now if (!$is_art) { if (!$nntp->group($groupart)) { $response->code(&HTTP::Status::RC_NOT_FOUND); $response->message($nntp->message); } $nntp->quit; $nntp = undef; # HEAD: just check if the group exists if ($method eq 'GET' && $response->is_success) { $response->code(&HTTP::Status::RC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); $response->message("GET newsgroup not implemented yet"); } return $response; } # Send command to server to retrieve an article (or just the headers) my $get = $method eq 'HEAD' ? "head" : "article"; my $art = $nntp->$get("<$groupart>"); unless ($art) { $nntp->quit; $nntp = undef; $response->code(&HTTP::Status::RC_NOT_FOUND); $response->message($nntp->message); return $response; } # Parse headers my($key, $val); local $_; while ($_ = shift @$art) { if (/^\s+$/) { last; # end of headers } elsif (/^(\S+):\s*(.*)/) { $response->push_header($key, $val) if $key; ($key, $val) = ($1, $2); } elsif (/^\s+(.*)/) { next unless $key; $val .= $1; } else { unshift(@$art, $_); last; } } $response->push_header($key, $val) if $key; # Ensure that there is a Content-Type header $response->header("Content-Type", "text/plain") unless $response->header("Content-Type"); # Collect the body $response = $self->collect_once($arg, $response, join("", @$art)) if @$art; # Say goodbye to the server $nntp->quit; $nntp = undef; $response; } 1; Protocol/data.pm 0000644 00000002344 14711200630 0007611 0 ustar 00 package LWP::Protocol::data; # Implements access to data:-URLs as specified in RFC 2397 use strict; use vars qw(@ISA); require HTTP::Response; require HTTP::Status; require LWP::Protocol; @ISA = qw(LWP::Protocol); use HTTP::Date qw(time2str); require LWP; # needs version number sub request { my($self, $request, $proxy, $arg, $size) = @_; # check proxy if (defined $proxy) { return HTTP::Response->new( &HTTP::Status::RC_BAD_REQUEST, 'You can not proxy with data'); } # check method my $method = $request->method; unless ($method eq 'GET' || $method eq 'HEAD') { return HTTP::Response->new( &HTTP::Status::RC_BAD_REQUEST, 'Library does not allow method ' . "$method for 'data:' URLs"); } my $url = $request->uri; my $response = HTTP::Response->new( &HTTP::Status::RC_OK, "Document follows"); my $media_type = $url->media_type; my $data = $url->data; $response->header('Content-Type' => $media_type, 'Content-Length' => length($data), 'Date' => time2str(time), 'Server' => "libwww-perl-internal/$LWP::VERSION" ); $data = "" if $method eq "HEAD"; return $self->collect_once($arg, $response, $data); } 1; Protocol/http.pm 0000644 00000031034 14711200630 0007655 0 ustar 00 package LWP::Protocol::http; use strict; require HTTP::Response; require HTTP::Status; require Net::HTTP; use vars qw(@ISA @EXTRA_SOCK_OPTS); require LWP::Protocol; @ISA = qw(LWP::Protocol); my $CRLF = "\015\012"; sub _new_socket { my($self, $host, $port, $timeout) = @_; my $conn_cache = $self->{ua}{conn_cache}; if ($conn_cache) { if (my $sock = $conn_cache->withdraw($self->socket_type, "$host:$port")) { return $sock if $sock && !$sock->can_read(0); # if the socket is readable, then either the peer has closed the # connection or there are some garbage bytes on it. In either # case we abandon it. $sock->close; } } local($^W) = 0; # IO::Socket::INET can be noisy my $sock = $self->socket_class->new(PeerAddr => $host, PeerPort => $port, LocalAddr => $self->{ua}{local_address}, Proto => 'tcp', Timeout => $timeout, KeepAlive => !!$conn_cache, SendTE => 1, $self->_extra_sock_opts($host, $port), ); unless ($sock) { # IO::Socket::INET leaves additional error messages in $@ my $status = "Can't connect to $host:$port"; if ($@ =~ /\bconnect: (.*)/ || $@ =~ /\b(Bad hostname)\b/ || $@ =~ /\b(certificate verify failed)\b/ || $@ =~ /\b(Crypt-SSLeay can't verify hostnames)\b/ ) { $status .= " ($1)"; } die "$status\n\n$@"; } # perl 5.005's IO::Socket does not have the blocking method. eval { $sock->blocking(0); }; $sock; } sub socket_type { return "http"; } sub socket_class { my $self = shift; (ref($self) || $self) . "::Socket"; } sub _extra_sock_opts # to be overridden by subclass { return @EXTRA_SOCK_OPTS; } sub _check_sock { #my($self, $req, $sock) = @_; } sub _get_sock_info { my($self, $res, $sock) = @_; if (defined(my $peerhost = $sock->peerhost)) { $res->header("Client-Peer" => "$peerhost:" . $sock->peerport); } } sub _fixup_header { my($self, $h, $url, $proxy) = @_; # Extract 'Host' header my $hhost = $url->authority; if ($hhost =~ s/^([^\@]*)\@//) { # get rid of potential "user:pass@" # add authorization header if we need them. HTTP URLs do # not really support specification of user and password, but # we allow it. if (defined($1) && not $h->header('Authorization')) { require URI::Escape; $h->authorization_basic(map URI::Escape::uri_unescape($_), split(":", $1, 2)); } } $h->init_header('Host' => $hhost); if ($proxy) { # Check the proxy URI's userinfo() for proxy credentials # export http_proxy="http://proxyuser:proxypass@proxyhost:port" my $p_auth = $proxy->userinfo(); if(defined $p_auth) { require URI::Escape; $h->proxy_authorization_basic(map URI::Escape::uri_unescape($_), split(":", $p_auth, 2)) } } } sub hlist_remove { my($hlist, $k) = @_; $k = lc $k; for (my $i = @$hlist - 2; $i >= 0; $i -= 2) { next unless lc($hlist->[$i]) eq $k; splice(@$hlist, $i, 2); } } sub request { my($self, $request, $proxy, $arg, $size, $timeout) = @_; $size ||= 4096; # check method my $method = $request->method; unless ($method =~ /^[A-Za-z0-9_!\#\$%&\'*+\-.^\`|~]+$/) { # HTTP token return HTTP::Response->new( &HTTP::Status::RC_BAD_REQUEST, 'Library does not allow method ' . "$method for 'http:' URLs"); } my $url = $request->uri; my($host, $port, $fullpath); # Check if we're proxy'ing if (defined $proxy) { # $proxy is an URL to an HTTP server which will proxy this request $host = $proxy->host; $port = $proxy->port; $fullpath = $method eq "CONNECT" ? ($url->host . ":" . $url->port) : $url->as_string; } else { $host = $url->host; $port = $url->port; $fullpath = $url->path_query; $fullpath = "/$fullpath" unless $fullpath =~ m,^/,; } # connect to remote site my $socket = $self->_new_socket($host, $port, $timeout); my $http_version = ""; if (my $proto = $request->protocol) { if ($proto =~ /^(?:HTTP\/)?(1.\d+)$/) { $http_version = $1; $socket->http_version($http_version); $socket->send_te(0) if $http_version eq "1.0"; } } $self->_check_sock($request, $socket); my @h; my $request_headers = $request->headers->clone; $self->_fixup_header($request_headers, $url, $proxy); $request_headers->scan(sub { my($k, $v) = @_; $k =~ s/^://; $v =~ s/\n/ /g; push(@h, $k, $v); }); my $content_ref = $request->content_ref; $content_ref = $$content_ref if ref($$content_ref); my $chunked; my $has_content; if (ref($content_ref) eq 'CODE') { my $clen = $request_headers->header('Content-Length'); $has_content++ if $clen; unless (defined $clen) { push(@h, "Transfer-Encoding" => "chunked"); $has_content++; $chunked++; } } else { # Set (or override) Content-Length header my $clen = $request_headers->header('Content-Length'); if (defined($$content_ref) && length($$content_ref)) { $has_content = length($$content_ref); if (!defined($clen) || $clen ne $has_content) { if (defined $clen) { warn "Content-Length header value was wrong, fixed"; hlist_remove(\@h, 'Content-Length'); } push(@h, 'Content-Length' => $has_content); } } elsif ($clen) { warn "Content-Length set when there is no content, fixed"; hlist_remove(\@h, 'Content-Length'); } } my $write_wait = 0; $write_wait = 2 if ($request_headers->header("Expect") || "") =~ /100-continue/; my $req_buf = $socket->format_request($method, $fullpath, @h); #print "------\n$req_buf\n------\n"; if (!$has_content || $write_wait || $has_content > 8*1024) { WRITE: { # Since this just writes out the header block it should almost # always succeed to send the whole buffer in a single write call. my $n = $socket->syswrite($req_buf, length($req_buf)); unless (defined $n) { redo WRITE if $!{EINTR}; if ($!{EAGAIN}) { select(undef, undef, undef, 0.1); redo WRITE; } die "write failed: $!"; } if ($n) { substr($req_buf, 0, $n, ""); } else { select(undef, undef, undef, 0.5); } redo WRITE if length $req_buf; } } my($code, $mess, @junk); my $drop_connection; if ($has_content) { my $eof; my $wbuf; my $woffset = 0; INITIAL_READ: if ($write_wait) { # skip filling $wbuf when waiting for 100-continue # because if the response is a redirect or auth required # the request will be cloned and there is no way # to reset the input stream # return here via the label after the 100-continue is read } elsif (ref($content_ref) eq 'CODE') { my $buf = &$content_ref(); $buf = "" unless defined($buf); $buf = sprintf "%x%s%s%s", length($buf), $CRLF, $buf, $CRLF if $chunked; substr($buf, 0, 0) = $req_buf if $req_buf; $wbuf = \$buf; } else { if ($req_buf) { my $buf = $req_buf . $$content_ref; $wbuf = \$buf; } else { $wbuf = $content_ref; } $eof = 1; } my $fbits = ''; vec($fbits, fileno($socket), 1) = 1; WRITE: while ($write_wait || $woffset < length($$wbuf)) { my $sel_timeout = $timeout; if ($write_wait) { $sel_timeout = $write_wait if $write_wait < $sel_timeout; } my $time_before; $time_before = time if $sel_timeout; my $rbits = $fbits; my $wbits = $write_wait ? undef : $fbits; my $sel_timeout_before = $sel_timeout; SELECT: { my $nfound = select($rbits, $wbits, undef, $sel_timeout); if ($nfound < 0) { if ($!{EINTR} || $!{EAGAIN}) { if ($time_before) { $sel_timeout = $sel_timeout_before - (time - $time_before); $sel_timeout = 0 if $sel_timeout < 0; } redo SELECT; } die "select failed: $!"; } } if ($write_wait) { $write_wait -= time - $time_before; $write_wait = 0 if $write_wait < 0; } if (defined($rbits) && $rbits =~ /[^\0]/) { # readable my $buf = $socket->_rbuf; my $n = $socket->sysread($buf, 1024, length($buf)); unless (defined $n) { die "read failed: $!" unless $!{EINTR} || $!{EAGAIN}; # if we get here the rest of the block will do nothing # and we will retry the read on the next round } elsif ($n == 0) { # the server closed the connection before we finished # writing all the request content. No need to write any more. $drop_connection++; last WRITE; } $socket->_rbuf($buf); if (!$code && $buf =~ /\015?\012\015?\012/) { # a whole response header is present, so we can read it without blocking ($code, $mess, @h) = $socket->read_response_headers(laxed => 1, junk_out => \@junk, ); if ($code eq "100") { $write_wait = 0; undef($code); goto INITIAL_READ; } else { $drop_connection++; last WRITE; # XXX should perhaps try to abort write in a nice way too } } } if (defined($wbits) && $wbits =~ /[^\0]/) { my $n = $socket->syswrite($$wbuf, length($$wbuf), $woffset); unless (defined $n) { die "write failed: $!" unless $!{EINTR} || $!{EAGAIN}; $n = 0; # will retry write on the next round } elsif ($n == 0) { die "write failed: no bytes written"; } $woffset += $n; if (!$eof && $woffset >= length($$wbuf)) { # need to refill buffer from $content_ref code my $buf = &$content_ref(); $buf = "" unless defined($buf); $eof++ unless length($buf); $buf = sprintf "%x%s%s%s", length($buf), $CRLF, $buf, $CRLF if $chunked; $wbuf = \$buf; $woffset = 0; } } } # WRITE } ($code, $mess, @h) = $socket->read_response_headers(laxed => 1, junk_out => \@junk) unless $code; ($code, $mess, @h) = $socket->read_response_headers(laxed => 1, junk_out => \@junk) if $code eq "100"; my $response = HTTP::Response->new($code, $mess); my $peer_http_version = $socket->peer_http_version; $response->protocol("HTTP/$peer_http_version"); { local $HTTP::Headers::TRANSLATE_UNDERSCORE; $response->push_header(@h); } $response->push_header("Client-Junk" => \@junk) if @junk; $response->request($request); $self->_get_sock_info($response, $socket); if ($method eq "CONNECT") { $response->{client_socket} = $socket; # so it can be picked up return $response; } if (my @te = $response->remove_header('Transfer-Encoding')) { $response->push_header('Client-Transfer-Encoding', \@te); } $response->push_header('Client-Response-Num', scalar $socket->increment_response_count); my $complete; $response = $self->collect($arg, $response, sub { my $buf = ""; #prevent use of uninitialized value in SSLeay.xs my $n; READ: { $n = $socket->read_entity_body($buf, $size); unless (defined $n) { redo READ if $!{EINTR} || $!{EAGAIN}; die "read failed: $!"; } redo READ if $n == -1; } $complete++ if !$n; return \$buf; } ); $drop_connection++ unless $complete; @h = $socket->get_trailers; if (@h) { local $HTTP::Headers::TRANSLATE_UNDERSCORE; $response->push_header(@h); } # keep-alive support unless ($drop_connection) { if (my $conn_cache = $self->{ua}{conn_cache}) { my %connection = map { (lc($_) => 1) } split(/\s*,\s*/, ($response->header("Connection") || "")); if (($peer_http_version eq "1.1" && !$connection{close}) || $connection{"keep-alive"}) { $conn_cache->deposit($self->socket_type, "$host:$port", $socket); } } } $response; } #----------------------------------------------------------- package LWP::Protocol::http::SocketMethods; sub ping { my $self = shift; !$self->can_read(0); } sub increment_response_count { my $self = shift; return ++${*$self}{'myhttp_response_count'}; } #----------------------------------------------------------- package LWP::Protocol::http::Socket; use vars qw(@ISA); @ISA = qw(LWP::Protocol::http::SocketMethods Net::HTTP); 1; Protocol/cpan.pm 0000644 00000002544 14711200630 0007623 0 ustar 00 package LWP::Protocol::cpan; use strict; use vars qw(@ISA); require LWP::Protocol; @ISA = qw(LWP::Protocol); require URI; require HTTP::Status; require HTTP::Response; our $CPAN; unless ($CPAN) { # Try to find local CPAN mirror via $CPAN::Config eval { require CPAN::Config; if($CPAN::Config) { my $urls = $CPAN::Config->{urllist}; if (ref($urls) eq "ARRAY") { my $file; for (@$urls) { if (/^file:/) { $file = $_; last; } } if ($file) { $CPAN = $file; } else { $CPAN = $urls->[0]; } } } }; $CPAN ||= "http://cpan.org/"; # last resort } # ensure that we don't chop of last part $CPAN .= "/" unless $CPAN =~ m,/$,; sub request { my($self, $request, $proxy, $arg, $size) = @_; # check proxy if (defined $proxy) { return HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_BAD_REQUEST, 'You can not proxy with cpan'); } # check method my $method = $request->method; unless ($method eq 'GET' || $method eq 'HEAD') { return HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_BAD_REQUEST, 'Library does not allow method ' . "$method for 'cpan:' URLs"); } my $path = $request->uri->path; $path =~ s,^/,,; my $response = HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_FOUND); $response->header("Location" => URI->new_abs($path, $CPAN)); $response; } 1; Protocol/GHTTP.pm 0000644 00000003346 14711200630 0007571 0 ustar 00 package LWP::Protocol::GHTTP; # You can tell LWP to use this module for 'http' requests by running # code like this before you make requests: # # require LWP::Protocol::GHTTP; # LWP::Protocol::implementor('http', 'LWP::Protocol::GHTTP'); # use strict; use vars qw(@ISA); require LWP::Protocol; @ISA=qw(LWP::Protocol); require HTTP::Response; require HTTP::Status; use HTTP::GHTTP qw(METHOD_GET METHOD_HEAD METHOD_POST); my %METHOD = ( GET => METHOD_GET, HEAD => METHOD_HEAD, POST => METHOD_POST, ); sub request { my($self, $request, $proxy, $arg, $size, $timeout) = @_; my $method = $request->method; unless (exists $METHOD{$method}) { return HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_BAD_REQUEST, "Bad method '$method'"); } my $r = HTTP::GHTTP->new($request->uri); # XXX what headers for repeated headers here? $request->headers->scan(sub { $r->set_header(@_)}); $r->set_type($METHOD{$method}); # XXX should also deal with subroutine content. my $cref = $request->content_ref; $r->set_body($$cref) if length($$cref); # XXX is this right $r->set_proxy($proxy->as_string) if $proxy; $r->process_request; my $response = HTTP::Response->new($r->get_status); # XXX How can get the headers out of $r?? This way is too stupid. my @headers; eval { # Wrapped in eval because this method is not always available @headers = $r->get_headers; }; @headers = qw(Date Connection Server Content-type Accept-Ranges Server Content-Length Last-Modified ETag) if $@; for (@headers) { my $v = $r->get_header($_); $response->header($_ => $v) if defined $v; } return $self->collect_once($arg, $response, $r->get_body); } 1; Protocol/gopher.pm 0000644 00000013167 14711200630 0010171 0 ustar 00 package LWP::Protocol::gopher; # Implementation of the gopher protocol (RFC 1436) # # This code is based on 'wwwgopher.pl,v 0.10 1994/10/17 18:12:34 shelden' # which in turn is a vastly modified version of Oscar's http'get() # dated 28/3/94 in <ftp://cui.unige.ch/PUBLIC/oscar/scripts/http.pl> # including contributions from Marc van Heyningen and Martijn Koster. use strict; use vars qw(@ISA); require HTTP::Response; require HTTP::Status; require IO::Socket; require IO::Select; require LWP::Protocol; @ISA = qw(LWP::Protocol); my %gopher2mimetype = ( '0' => 'text/plain', # 0 file '1' => 'text/html', # 1 menu # 2 CSO phone-book server # 3 Error '4' => 'application/mac-binhex40', # 4 BinHexed Macintosh file '5' => 'application/zip', # 5 DOS binary archive of some sort '6' => 'application/octet-stream', # 6 UNIX uuencoded file. '7' => 'text/html', # 7 Index-Search server # 8 telnet session '9' => 'application/octet-stream', # 9 binary file 'h' => 'text/html', # html 'g' => 'image/gif', # gif 'I' => 'image/*', # some kind of image ); my %gopher2encoding = ( '6' => 'x_uuencode', # 6 UNIX uuencoded file. ); sub request { my($self, $request, $proxy, $arg, $size, $timeout) = @_; $size = 4096 unless $size; # check proxy if (defined $proxy) { return HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_BAD_REQUEST, 'You can not proxy through the gopher'); } my $url = $request->uri; die "bad scheme" if $url->scheme ne 'gopher'; my $method = $request->method; unless ($method eq 'GET' || $method eq 'HEAD') { return HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_BAD_REQUEST, 'Library does not allow method ' . "$method for 'gopher:' URLs"); } my $gophertype = $url->gopher_type; unless (exists $gopher2mimetype{$gophertype}) { return HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, 'Library does not support gophertype ' . $gophertype); } my $response = HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_OK, "OK"); $response->header('Content-type' => $gopher2mimetype{$gophertype} || 'text/plain'); $response->header('Content-Encoding' => $gopher2encoding{$gophertype}) if exists $gopher2encoding{$gophertype}; if ($method eq 'HEAD') { # XXX: don't even try it so we set this header $response->header('Client-Warning' => 'Client answer only'); return $response; } if ($gophertype eq '7' && ! $url->search) { # the url is the prompt for a gopher search; supply boiler-plate return $self->collect_once($arg, $response, <<"EOT"); <HEAD> <TITLE>Gopher Index</TITLE> <ISINDEX> </HEAD> <BODY> <H1>$url<BR>Gopher Search</H1> This is a searchable Gopher index. Use the search function of your browser to enter search terms. </BODY> EOT } my $host = $url->host; my $port = $url->port; my $requestLine = ""; my $selector = $url->selector; if (defined $selector) { $requestLine .= $selector; my $search = $url->search; if (defined $search) { $requestLine .= "\t$search"; my $string = $url->string; if (defined $string) { $requestLine .= "\t$string"; } } } $requestLine .= "\015\012"; # potential request headers are just ignored # Ok, lets make the request my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $host, PeerPort => $port, LocalAddr => $self->{ua}{local_address}, Proto => 'tcp', Timeout => $timeout); die "Can't connect to $host:$port" unless $socket; my $sel = IO::Select->new($socket); { die "write timeout" if $timeout && !$sel->can_write($timeout); my $n = syswrite($socket, $requestLine, length($requestLine)); die $! unless defined($n); die "short write" if $n != length($requestLine); } my $user_arg = $arg; # must handle menus in a special way since they are to be # converted to HTML. Undefing $arg ensures that the user does # not see the data before we get a change to convert it. $arg = undef if $gophertype eq '1' || $gophertype eq '7'; # collect response my $buf = ''; $response = $self->collect($arg, $response, sub { die "read timeout" if $timeout && !$sel->can_read($timeout); my $n = sysread($socket, $buf, $size); die $! unless defined($n); return \$buf; } ); # Convert menu to HTML and return data to user. if ($gophertype eq '1' || $gophertype eq '7') { my $content = menu2html($response->content); if (defined $user_arg) { $response = $self->collect_once($user_arg, $response, $content); } else { $response->content($content); } } $response; } sub gopher2url { my($gophertype, $path, $host, $port) = @_; my $url; if ($gophertype eq '8' || $gophertype eq 'T') { # telnet session $url = $HTTP::URI_CLASS->new($gophertype eq '8' ? 'telnet:':'tn3270:'); $url->user($path) if defined $path; } else { $path = URI::Escape::uri_escape($path); $url = $HTTP::URI_CLASS->new("gopher:/$gophertype$path"); } $url->host($host); $url->port($port); $url; } sub menu2html { my($menu) = @_; $menu =~ s/\015//g; # remove carriage return my $tmp = <<"EOT"; <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Gopher menu</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <H1>Gopher menu</H1> EOT for (split("\n", $menu)) { last if /^\./; my($pretty, $path, $host, $port) = split("\t"); $pretty =~ s/^(.)//; my $type = $1; my $url = gopher2url($type, $path, $host, $port)->as_string; $tmp .= qq{<A HREF="$url">$pretty</A><BR>\n}; } $tmp .= "</BODY>\n</HTML>\n"; $tmp; } 1; Protocol/mailto.pm 0000644 00000010514 14711200630 0010163 0 ustar 00 package LWP::Protocol::mailto; # This module implements the mailto protocol. It is just a simple # frontend to the Unix sendmail program except on MacOS, where it uses # Mail::Internet. require LWP::Protocol; require HTTP::Request; require HTTP::Response; require HTTP::Status; use Carp; use strict; use vars qw(@ISA $SENDMAIL); @ISA = qw(LWP::Protocol); unless ($SENDMAIL = $ENV{SENDMAIL}) { for my $sm (qw(/usr/sbin/sendmail /usr/lib/sendmail /usr/ucblib/sendmail )) { if (-x $sm) { $SENDMAIL = $sm; last; } } die "Can't find the 'sendmail' program" unless $SENDMAIL; } sub request { my($self, $request, $proxy, $arg, $size) = @_; my ($mail, $addr) if $^O eq "MacOS"; my @text = () if $^O eq "MacOS"; # check proxy if (defined $proxy) { return HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_BAD_REQUEST, 'You can not proxy with mail'); } # check method my $method = $request->method; if ($method ne 'POST') { return HTTP::Response->new( &HTTP::Status::RC_BAD_REQUEST, 'Library does not allow method ' . "$method for 'mailto:' URLs"); } # check url my $url = $request->uri; my $scheme = $url->scheme; if ($scheme ne 'mailto') { return HTTP::Response->new( &HTTP::Status::RC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "LWP::Protocol::mailto::request called for '$scheme'"); } if ($^O eq "MacOS") { eval { require Mail::Internet; }; if($@) { return HTTP::Response->new( &HTTP::Status::RC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "You don't have MailTools installed"); } unless ($ENV{SMTPHOSTS}) { return HTTP::Response->new( &HTTP::Status::RC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "You don't have SMTPHOSTS defined"); } } else { unless (-x $SENDMAIL) { return HTTP::Response->new( &HTTP::Status::RC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "You don't have $SENDMAIL"); } } if ($^O eq "MacOS") { $mail = Mail::Internet->new or return HTTP::Response->new( &HTTP::Status::RC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Can't get a Mail::Internet object"); } else { open(SENDMAIL, "| $SENDMAIL -oi -t") or return HTTP::Response->new( &HTTP::Status::RC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Can't run $SENDMAIL: $!"); } if ($^O eq "MacOS") { $addr = $url->encoded822addr; } else { $request = $request->clone; # we modify a copy my @h = $url->headers; # URL headers override those in the request while (@h) { my $k = shift @h; my $v = shift @h; next unless defined $v; if (lc($k) eq "body") { $request->content($v); } else { $request->push_header($k => $v); } } } if ($^O eq "MacOS") { $mail->add(To => $addr); $mail->add(split(/[:\n]/,$request->headers_as_string)); } else { print SENDMAIL $request->headers_as_string; print SENDMAIL "\n"; } my $content = $request->content; if (defined $content) { my $contRef = ref($content) ? $content : \$content; if (ref($contRef) eq 'SCALAR') { if ($^O eq "MacOS") { @text = split("\n",$$contRef); foreach (@text) { $_ .= "\n"; } } else { print SENDMAIL $$contRef; } } elsif (ref($contRef) eq 'CODE') { # Callback provides data my $d; if ($^O eq "MacOS") { my $stuff = ""; while (length($d = &$contRef)) { $stuff .= $d; } @text = split("\n",$stuff); foreach (@text) { $_ .= "\n"; } } else { print SENDMAIL $d; } } } if ($^O eq "MacOS") { $mail->body(\@text); unless ($mail->smtpsend) { return HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Mail::Internet->smtpsend unable to send message to <$addr>"); } } else { unless (close(SENDMAIL)) { my $err = $! ? "$!" : "Exit status $?"; return HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "$SENDMAIL: $err"); } } my $response = HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_ACCEPTED, "Mail accepted"); $response->header('Content-Type', 'text/plain'); if ($^O eq "MacOS") { $response->header('Server' => "Mail::Internet $Mail::Internet::VERSION"); $response->content("Message sent to <$addr>\n"); } else { $response->header('Server' => $SENDMAIL); my $to = $request->header("To"); $response->content("Message sent to <$to>\n"); } return $response; } 1; Protocol/ftp.pm 0000644 00000040660 14711200631 0007475 0 ustar 00 package LWP::Protocol::ftp; # Implementation of the ftp protocol (RFC 959). We let the Net::FTP # package do all the dirty work. use Carp (); use HTTP::Status (); use HTTP::Negotiate (); use HTTP::Response (); use LWP::MediaTypes (); use File::Listing (); require LWP::Protocol; @ISA = qw(LWP::Protocol); use strict; eval { package LWP::Protocol::MyFTP; require Net::FTP; Net::FTP->require_version(2.00); use vars qw(@ISA); @ISA=qw(Net::FTP); sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_) || return undef; my $mess = $self->message; # welcome message $mess =~ s|\n.*||s; # only first line left $mess =~ s|\s*ready\.?$||; # Make the version number more HTTP like $mess =~ s|\s*\(Version\s*|/| and $mess =~ s|\)$||; ${*$self}{myftp_server} = $mess; #$response->header("Server", $mess); $self; } sub http_server { my $self = shift; ${*$self}{myftp_server}; } sub home { my $self = shift; my $old = ${*$self}{myftp_home}; if (@_) { ${*$self}{myftp_home} = shift; } $old; } sub go_home { my $self = shift; $self->cwd(${*$self}{myftp_home}); } sub request_count { my $self = shift; ++${*$self}{myftp_reqcount}; } sub ping { my $self = shift; return $self->go_home; } }; my $init_failed = $@; sub _connect { my($self, $host, $port, $user, $account, $password, $timeout) = @_; my $key; my $conn_cache = $self->{ua}{conn_cache}; if ($conn_cache) { $key = "$host:$port:$user"; $key .= ":$account" if defined($account); if (my $ftp = $conn_cache->withdraw("ftp", $key)) { if ($ftp->ping) { # save it again $conn_cache->deposit("ftp", $key, $ftp); return $ftp; } } } # try to make a connection my $ftp = LWP::Protocol::MyFTP->new($host, Port => $port, Timeout => $timeout, LocalAddr => $self->{ua}{local_address}, ); # XXX Should be some what to pass on 'Passive' (header??) unless ($ftp) { $@ =~ s/^Net::FTP: //; return HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, $@); } unless ($ftp->login($user, $password, $account)) { # Unauthorized. Let's fake a RC_UNAUTHORIZED response my $mess = scalar($ftp->message); $mess =~ s/\n$//; my $res = HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_UNAUTHORIZED, $mess); $res->header("Server", $ftp->http_server); $res->header("WWW-Authenticate", qq(Basic Realm="FTP login")); return $res; } my $home = $ftp->pwd; $ftp->home($home); $conn_cache->deposit("ftp", $key, $ftp) if $conn_cache; return $ftp; } sub request { my($self, $request, $proxy, $arg, $size, $timeout) = @_; $size = 4096 unless $size; # check proxy if (defined $proxy) { return HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_BAD_REQUEST, 'You can not proxy through the ftp'); } my $url = $request->uri; if ($url->scheme ne 'ftp') { my $scheme = $url->scheme; return HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "LWP::Protocol::ftp::request called for '$scheme'"); } # check method my $method = $request->method; unless ($method eq 'GET' || $method eq 'HEAD' || $method eq 'PUT') { return HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_BAD_REQUEST, 'Library does not allow method ' . "$method for 'ftp:' URLs"); } if ($init_failed) { return HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, $init_failed); } my $host = $url->host; my $port = $url->port; my $user = $url->user; my $password = $url->password; # If a basic autorization header is present than we prefer these over # the username/password specified in the URL. { my($u,$p) = $request->authorization_basic; if (defined $u) { $user = $u; $password = $p; } } # We allow the account to be specified in the "Account" header my $account = $request->header('Account'); my $ftp = $self->_connect($host, $port, $user, $account, $password, $timeout); return $ftp if ref($ftp) eq "HTTP::Response"; # ugh! # Create an initial response object my $response = HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_OK, "OK"); $response->header(Server => $ftp->http_server); $response->header('Client-Request-Num' => $ftp->request_count); $response->request($request); # Get & fix the path my @path = grep { length } $url->path_segments; my $remote_file = pop(@path); $remote_file = '' unless defined $remote_file; my $type; if (ref $remote_file) { my @params; ($remote_file, @params) = @$remote_file; for (@params) { $type = $_ if s/^type=//; } } if ($type && $type eq 'a') { $ftp->ascii; } else { $ftp->binary; } for (@path) { unless ($ftp->cwd($_)) { return HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_NOT_FOUND, "Can't chdir to $_"); } } if ($method eq 'GET' || $method eq 'HEAD') { if (my $mod_time = $ftp->mdtm($remote_file)) { $response->last_modified($mod_time); if (my $ims = $request->if_modified_since) { if ($mod_time <= $ims) { $response->code(&HTTP::Status::RC_NOT_MODIFIED); $response->message("Not modified"); return $response; } } } # We'll use this later to abort the transfer if necessary. # if $max_size is defined, we need to abort early. Otherwise, it's # a normal transfer my $max_size = undef; # Set resume location, if the client requested it if ($request->header('Range') && $ftp->supported('REST')) { my $range_info = $request->header('Range'); # Change bytes=2772992-6781209 to just 2772992 my ($start_byte,$end_byte) = $range_info =~ /.*=\s*(\d+)-(\d+)?/; if ( defined $start_byte && !defined $end_byte ) { # open range -- only the start is specified $ftp->restart( $start_byte ); # don't define $max_size, we don't want to abort early } elsif ( defined $start_byte && defined $end_byte && $start_byte >= 0 && $end_byte >= $start_byte ) { $ftp->restart( $start_byte ); $max_size = $end_byte - $start_byte; } else { return HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_BAD_REQUEST, 'Incorrect syntax for Range request'); } } elsif ($request->header('Range') && !$ftp->supported('REST')) { return HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Server does not support resume."); } my $data; # the data handle if (length($remote_file) and $data = $ftp->retr($remote_file)) { my($type, @enc) = LWP::MediaTypes::guess_media_type($remote_file); $response->header('Content-Type', $type) if $type; for (@enc) { $response->push_header('Content-Encoding', $_); } my $mess = $ftp->message; if ($mess =~ /\((\d+)\s+bytes\)/) { $response->header('Content-Length', "$1"); } if ($method ne 'HEAD') { # Read data from server $response = $self->collect($arg, $response, sub { my $content = ''; my $result = $data->read($content, $size); # Stop early if we need to. if (defined $max_size) { # We need an interface to Net::FTP::dataconn for getting # the number of bytes already read my $bytes_received = $data->bytes_read(); # We were already over the limit. (Should only happen # once at the end.) if ($bytes_received - length($content) > $max_size) { $content = ''; } # We just went over the limit elsif ($bytes_received > $max_size) { # Trim content $content = substr($content, 0, $max_size - ($bytes_received - length($content)) ); } # We're under the limit else { } } return \$content; } ); } # abort is needed for HEAD, it's == close if the transfer has # already completed. unless ($data->abort) { # Something did not work too well. Note that we treat # responses to abort() with code 0 in case of HEAD as ok # (at least wu-ftpd 2.6.1(1) does that). if ($method ne 'HEAD' || $ftp->code != 0) { $response->code(&HTTP::Status::RC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); $response->message("FTP close response: " . $ftp->code . " " . $ftp->message); } } } elsif (!length($remote_file) || ( $ftp->code >= 400 && $ftp->code < 600 )) { # not a plain file, try to list instead if (length($remote_file) && !$ftp->cwd($remote_file)) { return HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_NOT_FOUND, "File '$remote_file' not found"); } # It should now be safe to try to list the directory my @lsl = $ftp->dir; # Try to figure out if the user want us to convert the # directory listing to HTML. my @variants = ( ['html', 0.60, 'text/html' ], ['dir', 1.00, 'text/ftp-dir-listing' ] ); #$HTTP::Negotiate::DEBUG=1; my $prefer = HTTP::Negotiate::choose(\@variants, $request); my $content = ''; if (!defined($prefer)) { return HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE, "Neither HTML nor directory listing wanted"); } elsif ($prefer eq 'html') { $response->header('Content-Type' => 'text/html'); $content = "<HEAD><TITLE>File Listing</TITLE>\n"; my $base = $request->uri->clone; my $path = $base->path; $base->path("$path/") unless $path =~ m|/$|; $content .= qq(<BASE HREF="$base">\n</HEAD>\n); $content .= "<BODY>\n<UL>\n"; for (File::Listing::parse_dir(\@lsl, 'GMT')) { my($name, $type, $size, $mtime, $mode) = @$_; $content .= qq( <LI> <a href="$name">$name</a>); $content .= " $size bytes" if $type eq 'f'; $content .= "\n"; } $content .= "</UL></body>\n"; } else { $response->header('Content-Type', 'text/ftp-dir-listing'); $content = join("\n", @lsl, ''); } $response->header('Content-Length', length($content)); if ($method ne 'HEAD') { $response = $self->collect_once($arg, $response, $content); } } else { my $res = HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_BAD_REQUEST, "FTP return code " . $ftp->code); $res->content_type("text/plain"); $res->content($ftp->message); return $res; } } elsif ($method eq 'PUT') { # method must be PUT unless (length($remote_file)) { return HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_BAD_REQUEST, "Must have a file name to PUT to"); } my $data; if ($data = $ftp->stor($remote_file)) { my $content = $request->content; my $bytes = 0; if (defined $content) { if (ref($content) eq 'SCALAR') { $bytes = $data->write($$content, length($$content)); } elsif (ref($content) eq 'CODE') { my($buf, $n); while (length($buf = &$content)) { $n = $data->write($buf, length($buf)); last unless $n; $bytes += $n; } } elsif (!ref($content)) { if (defined $content && length($content)) { $bytes = $data->write($content, length($content)); } } else { die "Bad content"; } } $data->close; $response->code(&HTTP::Status::RC_CREATED); $response->header('Content-Type', 'text/plain'); $response->content("$bytes bytes stored as $remote_file on $host\n") } else { my $res = HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_BAD_REQUEST, "FTP return code " . $ftp->code); $res->content_type("text/plain"); $res->content($ftp->message); return $res; } } else { return HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_BAD_REQUEST, "Illegal method $method"); } $response; } 1; __END__ # This is what RFC 1738 has to say about FTP access: # -------------------------------------------------- # # 3.2. FTP # # The FTP URL scheme is used to designate files and directories on # Internet hosts accessible using the FTP protocol (RFC959). # # A FTP URL follow the syntax described in Section 3.1. If :<port> is # omitted, the port defaults to 21. # # 3.2.1. FTP Name and Password # # A user name and password may be supplied; they are used in the ftp # "USER" and "PASS" commands after first making the connection to the # FTP server. If no user name or password is supplied and one is # requested by the FTP server, the conventions for "anonymous" FTP are # to be used, as follows: # # The user name "anonymous" is supplied. # # The password is supplied as the Internet e-mail address # of the end user accessing the resource. # # If the URL supplies a user name but no password, and the remote # server requests a password, the program interpreting the FTP URL # should request one from the user. # # 3.2.2. FTP url-path # # The url-path of a FTP URL has the following syntax: # # <cwd1>/<cwd2>/.../<cwdN>/<name>;type=<typecode> # # Where <cwd1> through <cwdN> and <name> are (possibly encoded) strings # and <typecode> is one of the characters "a", "i", or "d". The part # ";type=<typecode>" may be omitted. The <cwdx> and <name> parts may be # empty. The whole url-path may be omitted, including the "/" # delimiting it from the prefix containing user, password, host, and # port. # # The url-path is interpreted as a series of FTP commands as follows: # # Each of the <cwd> elements is to be supplied, sequentially, as the # argument to a CWD (change working directory) command. # # If the typecode is "d", perform a NLST (name list) command with # <name> as the argument, and interpret the results as a file # directory listing. # # Otherwise, perform a TYPE command with <typecode> as the argument, # and then access the file whose name is <name> (for example, using # the RETR command.) # # Within a name or CWD component, the characters "/" and ";" are # reserved and must be encoded. The components are decoded prior to # their use in the FTP protocol. In particular, if the appropriate FTP # sequence to access a particular file requires supplying a string # containing a "/" as an argument to a CWD or RETR command, it is # necessary to encode each "/". # # For example, the URL <URL:ftp://myname@host.dom/%2Fetc/motd> is # interpreted by FTP-ing to "host.dom", logging in as "myname" # (prompting for a password if it is asked for), and then executing # "CWD /etc" and then "RETR motd". This has a different meaning from # <URL:ftp://myname@host.dom/etc/motd> which would "CWD etc" and then # "RETR motd"; the initial "CWD" might be executed relative to the # default directory for "myname". On the other hand, # <URL:ftp://myname@host.dom//etc/motd>, would "CWD " with a null # argument, then "CWD etc", and then "RETR motd". # # FTP URLs may also be used for other operations; for example, it is # possible to update a file on a remote file server, or infer # information about it from the directory listings. The mechanism for # doing so is not spelled out here. # # 3.2.3. FTP Typecode is Optional # # The entire ;type=<typecode> part of a FTP URL is optional. If it is # omitted, the client program interpreting the URL must guess the # appropriate mode to use. In general, the data content type of a file # can only be guessed from the name, e.g., from the suffix of the name; # the appropriate type code to be used for transfer of the file can # then be deduced from the data content of the file. # # 3.2.4 Hierarchy # # For some file systems, the "/" used to denote the hierarchical # structure of the URL corresponds to the delimiter used to construct a # file name hierarchy, and thus, the filename will look similar to the # URL path. This does NOT mean that the URL is a Unix filename. # # 3.2.5. Optimization # # Clients accessing resources via FTP may employ additional heuristics # to optimize the interaction. For some FTP servers, for example, it # may be reasonable to keep the control connection open while accessing # multiple URLs from the same server. However, there is no common # hierarchical model to the FTP protocol, so if a directory change # command has been given, it is impossible in general to deduce what # sequence should be given to navigate to another directory for a # second retrieval, if the paths are different. The only reliable # algorithm is to disconnect and reestablish the control connection. Protocol/nogo.pm 0000644 00000001166 14711200631 0007644 0 ustar 00 package LWP::Protocol::nogo; # If you want to disable access to a particular scheme, use this # class and then call # LWP::Protocol::implementor(that_scheme, 'LWP::Protocol::nogo'); # For then on, attempts to access URLs with that scheme will generate # a 500 error. use strict; use vars qw(@ISA); require HTTP::Response; require HTTP::Status; require LWP::Protocol; @ISA = qw(LWP::Protocol); sub request { my($self, $request) = @_; my $scheme = $request->uri->scheme; return HTTP::Response->new( &HTTP::Status::RC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Access to \'$scheme\' URIs has been disabled" ); } 1; Protocol/file.pm 0000644 00000007371 14711200631 0007625 0 ustar 00 package LWP::Protocol::file; require LWP::Protocol; @ISA = qw(LWP::Protocol); use strict; require LWP::MediaTypes; require HTTP::Request; require HTTP::Response; require HTTP::Status; require HTTP::Date; sub request { my($self, $request, $proxy, $arg, $size) = @_; $size = 4096 unless defined $size and $size > 0; # check proxy if (defined $proxy) { return HTTP::Response->new( &HTTP::Status::RC_BAD_REQUEST, 'You can not proxy through the filesystem'); } # check method my $method = $request->method; unless ($method eq 'GET' || $method eq 'HEAD') { return HTTP::Response->new( &HTTP::Status::RC_BAD_REQUEST, 'Library does not allow method ' . "$method for 'file:' URLs"); } # check url my $url = $request->uri; my $scheme = $url->scheme; if ($scheme ne 'file') { return HTTP::Response->new( &HTTP::Status::RC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "LWP::Protocol::file::request called for '$scheme'"); } # URL OK, look at file my $path = $url->file; # test file exists and is readable unless (-e $path) { return HTTP::Response->new( &HTTP::Status::RC_NOT_FOUND, "File `$path' does not exist"); } unless (-r _) { return HTTP::Response->new( &HTTP::Status::RC_FORBIDDEN, 'User does not have read permission'); } # looks like file exists my($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$filesize, $atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat(_); # XXX should check Accept headers? # check if-modified-since my $ims = $request->header('If-Modified-Since'); if (defined $ims) { my $time = HTTP::Date::str2time($ims); if (defined $time and $time >= $mtime) { return HTTP::Response->new( &HTTP::Status::RC_NOT_MODIFIED, "$method $path"); } } # Ok, should be an OK response by now... my $response = HTTP::Response->new( &HTTP::Status::RC_OK ); # fill in response headers $response->header('Last-Modified', HTTP::Date::time2str($mtime)); if (-d _) { # If the path is a directory, process it # generate the HTML for directory opendir(D, $path) or return HTTP::Response->new( &HTTP::Status::RC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Cannot read directory '$path': $!"); my(@files) = sort readdir(D); closedir(D); # Make directory listing require URI::Escape; require HTML::Entities; my $pathe = $path . ( $^O eq 'MacOS' ? ':' : '/'); for (@files) { my $furl = URI::Escape::uri_escape($_); if ( -d "$pathe$_" ) { $furl .= '/'; $_ .= '/'; } my $desc = HTML::Entities::encode($_); $_ = qq{<LI><A HREF="$furl">$desc</A>}; } # Ensure that the base URL is "/" terminated my $base = $url->clone; unless ($base->path =~ m|/$|) { $base->path($base->path . "/"); } my $html = join("\n", "<HTML>\n<HEAD>", "<TITLE>Directory $path</TITLE>", "<BASE HREF=\"$base\">", "</HEAD>\n<BODY>", "<H1>Directory listing of $path</H1>", "<UL>", @files, "</UL>", "</BODY>\n</HTML>\n"); $response->header('Content-Type', 'text/html'); $response->header('Content-Length', length $html); $html = "" if $method eq "HEAD"; return $self->collect_once($arg, $response, $html); } # path is a regular file $response->header('Content-Length', $filesize); LWP::MediaTypes::guess_media_type($path, $response); # read the file if ($method ne "HEAD") { open(F, $path) or return new HTTP::Response(&HTTP::Status::RC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Cannot read file '$path': $!"); binmode(F); $response = $self->collect($arg, $response, sub { my $content = ""; my $bytes = sysread(F, $content, $size); return \$content if $bytes > 0; return \ ""; }); close(F); } $response; } 1; ConnCache.pm 0000644 00000016705 14711200631 0006727 0 ustar 00 package LWP::ConnCache; use strict; use vars qw($VERSION $DEBUG); $VERSION = "6.02"; sub new { my($class, %cnf) = @_; my $total_capacity = 1; if (exists $cnf{total_capacity}) { $total_capacity = delete $cnf{total_capacity}; } if (%cnf && $^W) { require Carp; Carp::carp("Unrecognised options: @{[sort keys %cnf]}") } my $self = bless { cc_conns => [] }, $class; $self->total_capacity($total_capacity); $self; } sub deposit { my($self, $type, $key, $conn) = @_; push(@{$self->{cc_conns}}, [$conn, $type, $key, time]); $self->enforce_limits($type); return; } sub withdraw { my($self, $type, $key) = @_; my $conns = $self->{cc_conns}; for my $i (0 .. @$conns - 1) { my $c = $conns->[$i]; next unless $c->[1] eq $type && $c->[2] eq $key; splice(@$conns, $i, 1); # remove it return $c->[0]; } return undef; } sub total_capacity { my $self = shift; my $old = $self->{cc_limit_total}; if (@_) { $self->{cc_limit_total} = shift; $self->enforce_limits; } $old; } sub capacity { my $self = shift; my $type = shift; my $old = $self->{cc_limit}{$type}; if (@_) { $self->{cc_limit}{$type} = shift; $self->enforce_limits($type); } $old; } sub enforce_limits { my($self, $type) = @_; my $conns = $self->{cc_conns}; my @types = $type ? ($type) : ($self->get_types); for $type (@types) { next unless $self->{cc_limit}; my $limit = $self->{cc_limit}{$type}; next unless defined $limit; for my $i (reverse 0 .. @$conns - 1) { next unless $conns->[$i][1] eq $type; if (--$limit < 0) { $self->dropping(splice(@$conns, $i, 1), "$type capacity exceeded"); } } } if (defined(my $total = $self->{cc_limit_total})) { while (@$conns > $total) { $self->dropping(shift(@$conns), "Total capacity exceeded"); } } } sub dropping { my($self, $c, $reason) = @_; print "DROPPING @$c [$reason]\n" if $DEBUG; } sub drop { my($self, $checker, $reason) = @_; if (ref($checker) ne "CODE") { # make it so if (!defined $checker) { $checker = sub { 1 }; # drop all of them } elsif (_looks_like_number($checker)) { my $age_limit = $checker; my $time_limit = time - $age_limit; $reason ||= "older than $age_limit"; $checker = sub { $_[3] < $time_limit }; } else { my $type = $checker; $reason ||= "drop $type"; $checker = sub { $_[1] eq $type }; # match on type } } $reason ||= "drop"; local $SIG{__DIE__}; # don't interfere with eval below local $@; my @c; for (@{$self->{cc_conns}}) { my $drop; eval { if (&$checker(@$_)) { $self->dropping($_, $reason); $drop++; } }; push(@c, $_) unless $drop; } @{$self->{cc_conns}} = @c; } sub prune { my $self = shift; $self->drop(sub { !shift->ping }, "ping"); } sub get_types { my $self = shift; my %t; $t{$_->[1]}++ for @{$self->{cc_conns}}; return keys %t; } sub get_connections { my($self, $type) = @_; my @c; for (@{$self->{cc_conns}}) { push(@c, $_->[0]) if !$type || ($type && $type eq $_->[1]); } @c; } sub _looks_like_number { $_[0] =~ /^([+-]?)(?=\d|\.\d)\d*(\.\d*)?([Ee]([+-]?\d+))?$/; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME LWP::ConnCache - Connection cache manager =head1 NOTE This module is experimental. Details of its interface is likely to change in the future. =head1 SYNOPSIS use LWP::ConnCache; my $cache = LWP::ConnCache->new; $cache->deposit($type, $key, $sock); $sock = $cache->withdraw($type, $key); =head1 DESCRIPTION The C<LWP::ConnCache> class is the standard connection cache manager for LWP::UserAgent. The following basic methods are provided: =over =item $cache = LWP::ConnCache->new( %options ) This method constructs a new C<LWP::ConnCache> object. The only option currently accepted is 'total_capacity'. If specified it initialize the total_capacity option. It defaults to the value 1. =item $cache->total_capacity( [$num_connections] ) Get/sets the number of connection that will be cached. Connections will start to be dropped when this limit is reached. If set to C<0>, then all connections are immediately dropped. If set to C<undef>, then there is no limit. =item $cache->capacity($type, [$num_connections] ) Get/set a limit for the number of connections of the specified type that can be cached. The $type will typically be a short string like "http" or "ftp". =item $cache->drop( [$checker, [$reason]] ) Drop connections by some criteria. The $checker argument is a subroutine that is called for each connection. If the routine returns a TRUE value then the connection is dropped. The routine is called with ($conn, $type, $key, $deposit_time) as arguments. Shortcuts: If the $checker argument is absent (or C<undef>) all cached connections are dropped. If the $checker is a number then all connections untouched that the given number of seconds or more are dropped. If $checker is a string then all connections of the given type are dropped. The $reason argument is passed on to the dropped() method. =item $cache->prune Calling this method will drop all connections that are dead. This is tested by calling the ping() method on the connections. If the ping() method exists and returns a FALSE value, then the connection is dropped. =item $cache->get_types This returns all the 'type' fields used for the currently cached connections. =item $cache->get_connections( [$type] ) This returns all connection objects of the specified type. If no type is specified then all connections are returned. In scalar context the number of cached connections of the specified type is returned. =back The following methods are called by low-level protocol modules to try to save away connections and to get them back. =over =item $cache->deposit($type, $key, $conn) This method adds a new connection to the cache. As a result other already cached connections might be dropped. Multiple connections with the same $type/$key might added. =item $conn = $cache->withdraw($type, $key) This method tries to fetch back a connection that was previously deposited. If no cached connection with the specified $type/$key is found, then C<undef> is returned. There is not guarantee that a deposited connection can be withdrawn, as the cache manger is free to drop connections at any time. =back The following methods are called internally. Subclasses might want to override them. =over =item $conn->enforce_limits([$type]) This method is called with after a new connection is added (deposited) in the cache or capacity limits are adjusted. The default implementation drops connections until the specified capacity limits are not exceeded. =item $conn->dropping($conn_record, $reason) This method is called when a connection is dropped. The record belonging to the dropped connection is passed as the first argument and a string describing the reason for the drop is passed as the second argument. The default implementation makes some noise if the $LWP::ConnCache::DEBUG variable is set and nothing more. =back =head1 SUBCLASSING For specialized cache policy it makes sense to subclass C<LWP::ConnCache> and perhaps override the deposit(), enforce_limits() and dropping() methods. The object itself is a hash. Keys prefixed with C<cc_> are reserved for the base class. =head1 SEE ALSO L<LWP::UserAgent> =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2001 Gisle Aas. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. MemberMixin.pm 0000644 00000001516 14711200631 0007314 0 ustar 00 package LWP::MemberMixin; sub _elem { my $self = shift; my $elem = shift; my $old = $self->{$elem}; $self->{$elem} = shift if @_; return $old; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME LWP::MemberMixin - Member access mixin class =head1 SYNOPSIS package Foo; require LWP::MemberMixin; @ISA=qw(LWP::MemberMixin); =head1 DESCRIPTION A mixin class to get methods that provide easy access to member variables in the %$self. Ideally there should be better Perl language support for this. There is only one method provided: =over 4 =item _elem($elem [, $val]) Internal method to get/set the value of member variable C<$elem>. If C<$val> is present it is used as the new value for the member variable. If it is not present the current value is not touched. In both cases the previous value of the member variable is returned. =back
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